List of 24+ Fruits That Grow on Trees

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Fruits That Grow on Trees

Did you know that many fruits that grow on trees just happen to be the most popular? Some of the fruits that people like best grow on all kinds of trees around the world. This list of fruits that grow on trees isn’t wholly comprehensive, or you’d be reading all day. Instead, we’ve rounded up several of the most well-known ones below.

1. Apples (and Other, Apple-Like Fruits)

You probably already know that apples grow on trees. That said, did you know that if you plant a seed from your favorite apple, you won’t grow that kind of apple tree? Instead, branches of mature fruit trees (known as scions) need to be grafted onto younger rootstock. They can also be grafted onto trees in the same Malus genus, such as crabapples.

In fact, you can graft several apple varieties onto the same rootstock, and grow a dozen different types in your own yard.

2. Pears

While you can’t graft pear scions onto apple rootstocks, you can grow different types of pears on the same tree. These juicy beauties thrive in temperate to warm growing zones. If you’re a huge pear fan, try growing some in pots at your place—even indoors!

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3. Plums

There are many different types of plums out there, but all of them are tree-borne fruits. If you’re going to try growing them, however, keep them well away from the house. Earwigs love plum trees, and may swarm into your home by the dozen if the trees are nearby.

4. Peaches (and Other, Peach-Like Fruits)

Peach trees are absolute pleasures to grow, and not just for their fabulous fruit. Their blossoms release a stunning fragrance into the air, and their bark can be used for medicine. Other peach-like fruits such as nectarines and apricots also grow on trees.

5. Citrus Fruits

All citrus fruits grow on trees, from tiny kumquats to massive pomelos. In fact, you can graft all kinds of different citrus branches onto the same tree. Do this, and you’ll grow what’s known as a “fruit salad tree”. Then, you can harvest oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, yuzu and more, all from the same tree!

Related Post: 33 Fruits that are Considered Citrus

6. Pomegranates

Although pomegranate trees grow really tall outdoors, they can be kept below 10″ when grown in pots. Try growing a couple indoors, if you’re feeling adventurous! Then harvest their magnificent fruit for juices and recipes as soon as they ripen.

Fruit Salad Tree

7. Cherries

These fruits are part of the Prunus genus, which also includes nectarines, plums, apricots, peaches, and almonds. All cherry varieties grow on trees, including tiny sour cherries and wild pin cherries (Prunus pensylvanica).

Further Reading: 18 Fruits that are Canned

8. Figs

Definitely try growing your own fig trees in pots if you have a bit of space for them. They’re incredibly nutrient dense, packed with vitamins and minerals, and the black ones have a ton of natural antioxidants!

9. Guavas

These evergreen fruit trees thrive in South and Central America. They need a ton of light and heat to thrive, but you can grow the fairly easily! In addition to papayas, they have really high levels of beta carotene, which helps to improve eyesight.

Additional Reading: What does a Papaya Taste Like?

10. Starfruits

You likely already know that starfruits are also known as carambolas. But did you know that in their native habitat, these fruit trees are evergreen? They’ll lose leaves in wintertime if they get hit by cold, however.

Avocado Trees

11. Avocados

Have you tried to grow your own avocado tree from a seed yet? It’s not hard to do! You just need patience, especially since they can take more than seven years to start producing fruit.

Related Post: 15+ Spices that Go with Avocados

12. Persimmons

Although persimmons may look and taste tropical, they’re remarkably hardy! The average American persimmon tree can grow well down to Zone (-25F in wintertime). This makes them ideal for backyard farms and food gardens across the country.

13. Lychees (and other Lychee-Like Fruits)

Lychees, longans, rambutans, and other fruits related to them all grow on trees. But did you know that these trees are also evergreen in the right environment? More interestingly, they get HUGE: up to 50 feet in some places!

14. Papayas

Papayas aren’t just tasty, they’re also super-helpful for digestion. This is because they contain an enzyme called papain, which helps to break down proteins. Add some papaya to your next bean salsa to help you digest it. Also, if you get a bad insect bite, rub some fresh papaya on it to neutralize the venom!

15. Mangoes

Did you know that mangoes are some of the longest-ripening fruits on the planet? It can take up to five months for mangoes to ripen on the tree. They will, however, ripen more quickly once picked.

Sweetsop Trees

16. Sweetsops (and Similar Fruits)

Sweetsops (aka “custard apples”) are some of the weirdest-looking fruits that grow on trees. They look kind of like what would happen if a pear mated with an armadillo. That said, they—and their close relatives—are really quite delicious once you get past their funky skins.

Further Reading: 10 Fruits that Look and Taste Similar to Apples

17. Jackfruit

This fabulous vegan meat substitute grows on trees throughout India, Malaysia, and the Caribbean. Although the mature fruit is quite sweet, use young jackfruit in lieu of pork for vegan BBQ recipes.

18. Olives

We often forget that olives are fruits because they’re savory rather than sweet. But olive trees are amazing symbols of prosperity, friendship, and peace. They also create really delicious snacks to have with spiced nuts, grapes, and vegan cheese platters.

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19. Durians

The stench that these trees give off is enough to keep people far away from them. That said, the leaves smell quite lovely, and these trees can grow over 140 feet tall.

20. Medlars

Remember these weirdos? These fruit trees are members of the rose family, which makes sense when you really look at the fruits. They look like large rosehips, and taste fabulous once ripened.

Medlar Trees

21. Quinces

These fruits look like apples and taste horrible when raw. Fortunately, quinces taste quite delightful once cooked, especially with plenty of sugar. Try transforming them into jelly or jam to have on toast. Or scones. Maybe English muffins. Or just shoveled right into your mouth from the jar.

Related Post: 10 Fruits High in Pectin for Jam/Jelly Making

22. Elderberries

Although elderberry trees grow wild just about everywhere, you can grow them at home too. Black elderberries (Sambucus nigra) offer the highest antioxidant content in their fruit. Try making homemade elderberry syrup to boost your immune system!

23. Mulberries

These berries stain people’s sidewalks and driveways if they grow to close to concrete. Of course, some purple staining is well worth just how delicious the crunchy morsels are.

24. Pineapples

Yes, everyone’s favorite massive berries grow on trees too. These were so popular during the Victorian era that people had greenhouses installed just so they could try growing them at home. Fresh pineapple can burn the inside of your mouth (yay digestive enzymes!) so try grilling it first.