Berry Fruit List: 75 Fruits That Are Considered Berries

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Berry Fruit List

Are you a berry lover? In this berry fruit list, we’ll take a look at 75 fruits that are considered berries. Some might be old favorites, others may surprise you, and you’re sure to find some new varieties to toss onto your next ice cream sundae.

1. Blueberries 

Who doesn’t love these juicy little morsels of joy? Whether frozen or fresh, raw in smoothies or baked into muffins, blueberries are usually at the top of the average person’s favorite berry fruit list. And hey, they’re not just tasty—they’re packed with antioxidants, and lower blood both pressure and cholesterol.

2. Blackberries

These purple-black, luscious fruits nestle in amongst vicious thorns, but are well worth the fight to get to them. They’re one of the most delicious raw berries around, and make the juiciest, most amazing pies ever.

Related Article: Fruits Like Apples: 10 Fruits That Look and Taste Similar

3. Strawberries

Now, strawberries are some of the most well-known fruits worldwide, even if they’re not considered “real” berries by botanists. They’re some aggregate fruits that are considered berries, but do labels really matter when you’re dipping scrumptiousness into chocolate fondue or creamy whipped toppings? Nuh.

4. Raspberries

Did you know that raspberries come in shades other than pink? They also come in black and golden varieties, and have slightly different flavors as well. They’re also high in fiber, potassium, and vitamin B, making them as healthy as they are delicious.

Related Article: What do Raspberries Taste Like?

5. Currants

Just like raspberries, currants come in several different hues including the most common black and red varieties, which are best eaten cooked. In contrast, white currants have lower acidity than the other colors, making them ideal for eating right off the vine. 

6. Cranberries

These little red gems are staples on Thanksgiving dinner tables all over North America, usually made into sweet sauce to counteract their jaw-aching tartness. Their juice is spectacular when mixed with vodka, and the dried berries are as awesome in salads as they are in baked goods.

You Might Also Like: 6 Fruits Named After Colors

7. Huckleberries

Don’t these have the cutest name? It suits these tiny berries quite well, as they’re as adorable as they are tasty. Red huckleberries are tart while blue ones are sweet, and look just like regular blueberries. You can tell them apart by cutting them: blueberries are white inside, but huckleberries are purple all the way through.

8. Elderberries

Although you can’t eat elderberries raw without some serious gastro dismay, they’re ideal for making jams, jellies, wines, and syrups. These berries are super-high in vitamin C, making elderberry anything invaluable for fighting off colds and flus.

Read Also: Fruits That Are Vegetables: 8 Most Commonly Mistaken Fruits

9. Gooseberries

We couldn’t have a proper list without these weird and wonderful little globes. Their flavor is quite distinct, but takes some effort to enjoy: gooseberries’ thick skins need to be peeled off if you want to eat them raw, but soften during the cooking process.

10. Boysenberries

Boysenberries are an intriguing four-way cross between raspberries, loganberries, blackberries, and dewberries. They have a really interesting flavor, and are great in sweet and savory dishes alike.


11. Chokeberries

Try eating these berries raw and you’ll understand where they got their name. Chokeberries have a strong astringent (mouth-drying) effect, so you can literally choke when you eat them. That said, they’re fabulous if you cook them down with sugar or honey, and their antioxidant content is worth a bit of mouth puckering.

Recommended Article: Aphrodisiac Fruits List: 12 Fruits That are Natural Aphrodisiacs

12. Bayberries

These are also known as myrica berries, and unlike many others on this magical berry collection, they aren’t usually eaten fresh. The insides are so densely packed with seeds that it’s better to juice them instead of attempting to crunch through them. Additionally, their waxy coatings are used to make candles, and the berries add scent and flavor to drinks. 

13. Osoberries

Also known as Indian plums or Oregon plums, osoberries are native to North America’s west coast, from northern British Columbia all the way down to southern California. Their large purple berries taste like a cross between almonds and cherries, so they’re basically amaretto flavor bombs.

Further Reading: All Season Fruits: 10 Fruits that Are Always in Season

14. Grapes

These common fruits don’t seem like they belong on a berry fruit list, but they are berries indeed! They come in black, purple, green, or red varieties, with or without seeds.
(Does this mean that wine is technically berry juice?

15. Nanny Berries

Unlike most others on this list, nanny berries are only ripe when they look like they’re no longer edible. You can only eat them when they look like shrivelled raisin versions of their former selves, and then you have to cook them to separate them from their massive seeds. After all that, their flavour is a bit “meh”, so they might not be worth the effort.

16. Juniper Berries

We wouldn’t have gin without these magnificent nuggets. Juniper berries are ripe in late fall throughout Europe, Asia, and North America, and you can cook them to use in sauces and stews, or get creative and distill them for foraged, homemade cocktails.

17. Bearberries

These berries are almost flavorless when raw, but develop a slight sweetness when cooked. They taste quite a bit like cranberries, so heat them with sugar, honey, or maple syrup for optimal flavor extraction. Also, if you’re foraging for them in the wild, look out for their namesake: bears love them too.

18. Chehalem Berries

So, in the 1930s, someone in Oregon cross-bred California blackberries with loganberries, and then bred the offspring with a Himalayan blackberry to create this species. Fun fact: these are also known as Marionberries, and they’re unparalleled in ice cream, sorbet, and smoothies.

19. Midgen Berries

Australians generally call these “sand berries”, as they thrive in sandy soils across the continent. Apparently their flavour has eucalyptus, nutmeg, and ginger notes, and they need to be eaten right after being picked, as they decompose quickly off the vine.

20. Cloudberries

These golden Scandinavian beauties thrive up near the Arctic circle, so unless you’ve ventured pretty far north, you might not have tasted them before. Their flavor is reminiscent of creamy yogurt, and although you can eat them raw, they’re absolutely gorgeous made into jams and sauces.

21. Mulberries

If you’ve ever passed by a stretch of sidewalk that was stained a weird purple-gray, there were likely mulberries growing nearby. These crunchy berries come in purple and white varieties, though the darker ones are tastier and more popular. Just be careful when eating them, because they can—and will—stain everything you have ever loved.

22. Bunchberries

Apparently bunchberries are Canada’s national flower (who knew?), and the pretty red berries that form from them in late summer are enjoyed by all kinds of wild animals. These fruits can’t be eaten raw by humans without making us sick, but we can cook them and transform them into jams and jellies.


23. Acai Berries

These were the uber-popular wunderkinds of the culinary world a couple of years ago, when people clued into their nutrient density and antioxidant components. If you like the taste of chocolate-covered pomegranates, you’ll love these berries. Try them in smoothie bowls or blended into juices.

Related Article: What do Acai Berries Taste Like?

24. Goumi Berries

Do you like that jaw-clenching feeling that happens when you eat something sour? Then goumi berries are ideal for you. They’re indigenous to Russia and China, and need to be cooked with a whole lot of sweetener unless you want your face to cave in while eating them.

25. Oregon Grapes

These white-frosted purple globes grow wild throughout the western United States, and are jaw-achingly tart. Although you can eat them raw, they’re best transformed into wine, jam, syrup, or literally anything else involving a sweetener.

26. Jamun Berries

These berries may be in relative obscurity in the West, but not the East. Jamun berries hail from India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, and are packed with antioxidants. They look like dark purple kalamata olives but have white inner flesh, and can be eaten raw or cooked.

27. Hackberries

Do you like peanut M&Ms? Then you’ll probably love hackberries. They have a crunchy outer shell and a sort of dry, mealy inner seed core that tastes like a cross between peanuts and dates. 

28. Citrus Fruits

This may surprise you, but those lemons, oranges, and grapefruits we all love are actually considered berries. Try confusing your friends and family members by offering them a plate of clementine “berries” for their morning cereal.

29. Agarita Berries

There are so many gorgeous wild offerings on this berry list, and agaritas deserve special mention. They’re native to Texas and the southwestern USA, and have a unique sweet-sour flavor all their own.

30. Thimbleberries

These look like big, wide, fuzzy raspberries, and they taste exactly how they look. They grow wild all over North America on thornless vines, and are as delicious raw as they are in jams and jellies. 

31. Crowberries

Although they look like cranberries, crowberries are fruits from low, creeping shrubs that only grow in boreal regions of Canada, Alaska, and Scandinavia. Indigenous peoples ate them in wintertime to fend off scurvy because of their high vitamin C content.

32. Bilberries

If you live anywhere in the UK, you may have gathered some of these tiny, delicious blue-black berries when you were a child. They taste like super-intense blueberries, but are the size of currants, and their flavor is almost too delicious to ruin by cooking them.

33. Serviceberries

These berries taste like super-intense blueberries with a hint of grape, and have a really interesting story behind their name. Apparently, when the flowers on this plant appear in springtime, you know the ground has thawed sufficiently to dig up and hold funeral services.

34. Goji Berries

Goji berries are pretty much the celebrity darlings at the moment. They taste like sweet tomatoes when raw, and like dried cherries once dehydrated. In addition to their antioxidant content, they can help promote better sleep, higher immunity, and overall well-being.

Related Article: What Does a Goji Berry Taste Like?

Gojis on the Berry Fruit List

35. Loganberries

If you’ve never tasted a loganberry before, try to seek some of them out next summer! They’re like longer, crunchier raspberries that are slightly more tart, but breathtaking when you turn them into preserves.

36. Jostaberries

Do you love gooseberries and blackcurrants? Then you need to try jostaberries. They’re a cross between those two fruits, and seem to have inherited the best traits from both their parents: gooseberries’ satisfying crunch, and blackcurrants’ complex flavor.

37. Amla Berries

There are several species on this berry fruit list that are savory or tart rather than sweet, so amla fruits deserve a mention too. They’re bright lime green, incredibly bitter, and are used as hormone-balancing, cancer-fighting superfoods.

38. Tayberries

Those of you who are familiar with Scotland’s Tay river will get a kick out of these rare pink berries. They were bred in that area in the 1970s, and are a cross between the sweetest, juiciest blackberries and raspberries.

39. Chocolate Berries

Apparently there’s a rare type of Himalayan honeysuckle that produces berries that taste like chocolate! Imagine those teamed up with chocolate mint, or pawpaw fruit that tastes like banana custard? Wow.

40. Haskap Berries

Also known as honeyberries, these are also members of the honeysuckle family. The plants are native to parts of Russia and Northern Japan, and the elongated blue-purple berries really do taste just like honey. 

41. Lingonberries

Also known as partridge berries, these low-growing beauties grow in the wild all over northern Europe. They’re particularly popular in Sweden, and you can find lingonberry jam or syrup the next time you visit your local IKEA’s food section.

42. Saskatoon Berries

Would you believe that Saskatoon berries are related to apples? It’s true! Though their flavor is nothing alike. In fact, these berries taste like juicy little bursts of marzipan, so all you almond lovers out there need to try these for yourselves.

43. Olallieberries

Much like the Chehalem berries mentioned earlier, olallieberries are hybrids bred between loganberries and youngberries. Their flavor has been described as a mix of purple plum and blackberry, and they’re magnificent when baked into pies and tarts.

44. Apple Berries

If you’ve never heard of apple berries before, don’t worry: you’re not alone. In fact, they’re listed here in the hope of piquing people’s interest to try them! They’re native to southern and eastern Australia, and taste like baked apples, even when raw. Try roasting them and eating them with yogurt or ice cream for maximum yum effect.

45. Buffalo Berries

These are closely related to sea buckthorn berries, and interestingly, only develop their sweet flavor after they’ve been frozen. Just make sure to cook them before you eat them, as they can cause some really creative belly upset if eaten raw.

46. Rowan Berries

Also known as mountain ash fruit, rowan berries are usually thrown by children in the fall rather than eaten, but they are in fact edible. Just not raw. If you want to try eating these incredibly tart, mealy berries, you need to cook them first. Preferably with a lot of sugar.

Rowan Berries

47. Dewberries

These look a lot like dark, blackish blueberries, but they trail on vines along the ground instead of growing on high bushes. They have a dry, astringent flavor that can be enhanced by cooking them with a sweetener—try them with maple or birch syrup for a real forest-flavored treat.

48. Sumac Berries

You’ve undoubtedly seen sumac berries in the fall if you live anywhere in North America. They cluster in fuzzy red cones, and have a tart, lemony flavor. Best of all, juice or lemonade made from these berries is packed with vitamin C, with crazy-high antioxidant levels.

49. Nagoon Berries

If you ever visit Alaska or the Yukon in early fall, keep your eyes open for these tiny red berries growing in the wild. They’re absolutely delicious (especially after being frozen!), and you can enjoy them raw or cooked.

50. Caperberries

Did you think you’d come across pasta seasonings on this berry fruit list? Caperberries are made from young caper bush fruits, and are never eaten raw, nor sweetened. To eat them, you need to pickle them in brine for at least a couple of weeks, then use them to flavor tomato sauces and other Mediterranean dishes.

51. Wineberries

Wineberries grow in disturbed soil throughout the midwestern US states, and look like small, orange-pink raspberries. They’re quite tart, but delicious when cooked or preserved. Some people also use them to make berry wine, which is how they got their name.

52. Toyon Berries

You know that berries aren’t going to be particularly tasty when early settlers referred to them as “edible only when starving”. Apparently toyon berries can be choked down once they’ve been cooked, at which point their astringent bitterness shifts to a slightly sweet, cherry-like flavor.

53. Acerola Berries

These South American beauties look—and taste—like cherries, despite being a completely different species. You can use them exactly the same way too: eaten fresh, baked into pies, or dried to add to trail mix and granola.

54. Phalsa Berries

Imagine a fruit that tastes like rainbow sherbet, and has high enough iron content to regulate anemia. Sounds too good to be true, but phalsa berries are as exquisitely delicious as they are good for you. They’re native to Nepal, Thailand, and other parts of Southeast Asia, but you can find them in specialty grocery stores worldwide.

55. Cape Gooseberries 

You may have encountered these bright orange berries on desserts before. They’re also known by their Latin name, physalis, and once you’ve removed their papery brown husks, you’ll find that they taste like sweeter versions of their crunchy tomatillo cousins.

Physalis Cape Gooseberries

56. Salal Berries

If you live in the Pacific northwest and you enjoy hiking, you’ll probably come across these tasty little berries out in the woods. They look like dark blueberries growing on pink vines, and taste like Concord grapes: the kind used to make Welch’s grape jelly.

57. Salmonberries

Many of the species on this berry list resemble raspberries… and salmonberries are among them. Instead of growing on bushes, however, they look like long strings of pink salmon eggs on vines. They need to be cooked and sweetened, so eat them in sauce or jelly rather than raw.

58. Wintergreen Berries

These are also known as tea berries, and grow in the wild all over North America and Europe. The berries have a fresh, minty flavor that’s reminiscent of spearmint toothpaste, and they’re used to flavor teas, candies, and even ice cream. Just don’t eat the leaves, because they’re toxic.

59. Pineberries

Pineberries have one of the most unique flavors around: although they look like white strawberries, they taste a lot like pineapple. They’re also a rarity in the berry world, as they apparently taste better raw than they do cooked, unlike many other species.

60. Miracle Berries

Of all the offerings here, these are the strangest, but also the coolest. They come from West Africa, and when eaten fresh, they alter your tongue’s sweet receptors for about half an hour so anything tart or bitter that you eat tastes sugary instead.

61. Calafate Berries

If you ever travel to Argentina or Chile, see if you can find some of these flavorful berries to try out. They grow on thorny evergreen shrubs, and the deep blue-black berries are tasty both fresh and cooked. 

62. Pin Cherries

These grow wild in the woods throughout North America, so you might get lucky if you go foraging for them in late summer or early fall. Birds love them too, however, so you may have to fight them for a handful or two. They’re also quite tart, and best used in jams and preserves.

63. Tomatoes

It’s weird enough to think of tomatoes as fruits instead of vegetables, but berries? Seriously?
Yes: nightshade fruits (like eggplants!) are considered berries. Try making tomato jam with them, or the bizarre French Canadian mixed fruit-and-tomato ketchup known as “chow chow”.


64. Youngberries

These are absolutely treasured throughout South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, and with good cause. Once the dark purple-black berries look like they’re starting to shrivel, they’re perfectly ripe, and taste like toffee. 

65. Schizandra Berries

You may have come across schizandra berries as additives in certain health foods like kombucha or granola mixes. These fruits are great for improving liver and brain function, and they’re used in Traditional Chinese medicine as anti-aging adaptogens.

66. Arbutus

These are a bit confusing, as the arbutus is called a “strawberry tree”, but the little berries look a lot like cranberries. The fruits look like small, pink-orange lychees, with flesh that tastes like under-ripe peaches. Appetizing, huh? They actually taste really good once cooked, if you’re feeling adventurous.

67. Juneberries

If you’re lucky enough to live in a place where juneberries thrive, look for them in early summertime (hence their name). These crunchy little berries taste like a mix between apple and pear, and are just as tasty raw as they are cooked.

68. Sea Buckthorn

Although these seaberries are more commonly used in skincare products, they’re technically edible, so they’re on this berry list too. They’re really bitter, but make good accompaniments for savory dishes. If you want to eat them sweetened, mix them with other fruits to make marmalade, jam, or compote.

69. Pomegranates

Did you know that pomegranates fall under the berry category? These crunch-a-licious gems are delicious raw in salads or on as dessert toppings, transformed into juice or grenada syrup, or as a type of molasses for Middle Eastern dishes.

70. Persimmons

If the idea of a fruit that tastes like a cross between mango, apricot, apple, and honey appeals to you, then you need to give persimmons a try. You may not have expected them to show up on this berry fruit list, but surprise! Yes, they’re considered berries too.

71. Kiwi Berries

If you like large, hairy kiwi fruit, then you’ll love their smaller cousins. Kiwi berries have a softer, smoother skin, and their flesh is less acidic than the larger ones. 

72. Kotataberries

These beauties are a three-way cross between blackberries, boysenberries, and loganberries, and taste pretty much as you might imagine with that pedigree. They look like elongated blackberries with glossy purple-black fruit, and each one is a juicy morsel of awesomeness.

73. Bananas

I know, this probably breaks your brain to even think about, but technically bananas are berries. It’s true! As far as botanical classification goes, they meet all the criteria for being berries, despite looking completely unlike pretty much every other berry out there.

74. Watermelon

Technically, this one shouldn’t be a surprise. After all, watermelons do kind of look like giant berries, don’t they? And in the botany world, they do in fact get sorted into berry land. They’re just much, much larger than everything else on this berry fruit list.

75. Pineapples 

If the idea that bananas are berries blew your mind, how do you feel knowing that pineapples are too? Much like blackberries and raspberries, pineapples are aggregate berries. That’s why the easiest way to serve a pineapple is to pull each of those sections away, rather than trying to saw it into rings. 

Related Article: Where Are Pineapples Grown

As mentioned, some of these species are considered aggregates rather than “true” berries. In botany, a “true” berry is a fruit that comes from a single flower that only has one ovary, and the fruit has many seeds within it. Like chili peppers and cucumbers, which weren’t mentioned here because we can only handle so much “um, what?” in a single go.

Meanwhile, with raspberries and blackberries, each of those delicious gem-like facets is technically an individual fruit. But we call them berries anyway.

Hopefully you’ve discovered some new and interesting species to try out! Get creative, and enjoy the abundant berry-liciousness that’s out there