Are you looking for a way to take your vegan chocolate to the next level? If you’re finding that basic chocolate is getting too one-note for your tastes, then we suggest combining it with spices.
In this post, we’ll show you thirteen different spices that go with chocolate. Use these combos to experience your chocolate in a whole new way.
1. Anise
If you love all things sweet, you’ve probably tasted licorice before. Well, that’s close to what anise tastes like. Unlike chocolatey sweetness, though, it has an herbal hint to it that will make the one-note sweetness of chocolate more sophisticated.
Read Also: What Does Anise Taste Like?
2. Cardamom
Cardamom is a perfect pick for those who like the taste of nutmeg but want something less bitter. With citrus and chocolate being a classic combo, you can expect the faint citrusy notes in cardamom to add some zest to your chocolate.
3. Cayenne Pepper
Spicy and sweet is a time-honored pairing. If you want to make your chocolate feel less cloyingly sweet, think about adding some cayenne to give it a hint of smoky heat.
4. Chili Powder
We’re sort of cheating by including chili powder on this list. It isn’t a singular spice on its own – it’s usually made from a combination of spices that can include things like cumin and garlic. Use this seasoning if you want to step up the heat of your chocolate.
5. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is already a popular addition to sweets. That’s because it gives them a spicy, woody flavor that doesn’t inhibit their sweetness – which is precisely what adding cinnamon to chocolate will do.
Take a look at our post about what cinnamon tastes like to discover more about it.
6. Clove
Cloves are a pungent and robust spice. They’ll give your chocolate the barest hint of fruit with a lingering bitterness that’s perfect for you if you’re a fan of bitter cacao.
7. Curry Powder
There are a few different blends of curry powder available, but popular curry spices include cumin and turmeric. In general, you can expect it to have a long-lasting earthy feeling with a little zest from cinnamon. As a spice that combines other spices, it will make your chocolate taste complex.
8. Ginger
Fruit and chocolate are already a combination about as old as time. Ginger has spicy and lemony notes that will go well with chocolates more decadent sweet ones.
9. Mint
Mint and chocolate is also another combination that’s a beloved classic. The cool, numbing effect of mint brightens chocolate’s sweetness, making it more tolerable for those who don’t like sweets as much.
Read Also: What Does Mint Taste Like?
10. Paprika
If you think chocolate is a little overwhelmingly sweet, try using paprika with it. The smoky, spicy taste of paprika will tone down the sweetness by giving your chocolate some heat.
11. Pink Peppercorn
Like black pepper, pink peppercorn is a bit on the hot side. However, pink peppercorn has a fruitier flavor to it that will give your chocolate a zesty zip.
12. Sea Salt
Chocolate and sea salt make an absolutely dreamy pair. We recommend sea salt over simple table salt because it has a toothy texture that will be hard to miss with your silky chocolate. Plus, its natural saltiness will give your chocolate a balanced bite.
13. Vanilla
Vanilla’s sugary taste with floral notes would serve to accentuate the sweetness of chocolate. Consider using this combo if you really like sweets.
Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!