15+ Vegetables that Start with W

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vegetables that start with w


If you’re trying to find a list of vegetables that start with W, we’re here to help. We’ve done a little digging to pull together this list of all applicable veggies we could find.

Keep reading to learn more about each vegetable…

1. Walking Onions

walking onion

Walking onions are also known as tree onions. However, we think the name “walking onion” fits them a bit better because of how they grow.

The bulblets sprout while on the parent stalk, which causes the stalk to bend down to the ground. Once they touch down, the bulblet starts to grow into a new walking onion until its own future bulblets cause it to bend.

2. Wasabi

wasabi root

Wasabi, related to horseradish, is famous for its spiciness. It’s frequently made into a bright green paste that is served with sushi in Japanese restaurants.

We’ve written quite a few posts about wasabi. If you’re interested in learning more about it, a great starting point is our guide to what real wasabi tastes like.

3. Water Caltrop

water caltrop

The phrase “water caltrop” could refer to three different types of plants. In general, however, the thing they have in common is that they are plants which grow in water.

You may not see them eaten as much now as they used to be. Up until the early 1900s, it wasn’t uncommon to eat them in Europe.

4. Water Chestnut

water chestnut

The name of the water chestnut is a bit deceptive. It’s not really a nut – it’s a vegetable that grows in the water.

You can eat its corms totally raw, or you can cook them. They’re commonly used in Chinese cooking.

5. Water Spinach

water spinach

As you might have guessed from the name, water spinach is a plant that grows in watery conditions. No one really knows exactly where it first came from, but nowadays it’s prevalent in Asian cooking.

6. Watercress

watercress microgreens

Watercress is yet another example of a vegetable that grows in the water. It’s has quite a few famous veggie relatives, like mustard and wasabi.

Interestingly, it’s one of the oldest plants that people eat. Because of its powerful flavor, it’s beloved in soups and salads.

7. Wax Beans

wax beans        

Wax beans are a type of bean with yellow or white pods. You can boil them, steam them, or bake them into a casserole.

8. Welsh Onion

Welsh onion

Welsh onions, unlike other onion types, do not grow large bulbs that we eat. Instead, they have hollow leaves that are eaten like scallions.

Despite the name, the Welsh onion actually comes from China. As such, it’s fairly common in Asian dishes.

9. Wheatgrass

wheatgrass microgreens

Drinking wheatgrass juice has become a trend in the past few years. If you don’t want to shell out the cash to get it at a juice bar, you can grow and make juice from it at home because you can grow it indoors or outdoors.

10. White Radish

white radish

You might call white radish daikon. This veggie’s roots are what most people eat, and it gets the name “white radish” due to the fact it has a creamy color.

Daikon root is especially prevalent in Japanese and Chinese food. In Japan, it’s frequently added to pickles and salads, while China often uses it to make turnip cake.

11. Wild Endive

wild endive

Common chicory is sometimes called wild endive, which is how it earned a place on this list. You eat the leaves in salads, or even grind up the buds to make an alternative to coffee.

12. Wild Garlic

wild garlic

There are a few different plants that go by the name wild garlic, but the one we’re referring to has the scientific name allium canadense. This plant is sometimes called the Canada onion because it comes from North America.

It tastes similar to onion. Some Cuban gardeners grow it at home as a veggie, but children should avoid eating it, as it can make them ill.

13. Wild Leek

wi,ld leek

Like wild garlic, wild leek can refer to range of vegetables. Leek, elephant garlic, pearl onion, and kurrat are all veggies that are often called wild leek.

14. Winged Bean

winged bean

Never heard of the winged bean? It might be because you’ve heard of it as the asparagus bean.

Every single part of this bean’s plant can be eaten. Feel free to munch on the bean pods, flowers, leaves, and roots raw or cook them.

15. Winter Gourd

winter gourd

One of the other names for the winter gourd is winter melon. It starts off with a hairy skin, kind of like kiwi, but loses the hairs as it ages.  Later on, it develops a waxy skin that’s actually great for lengthening the gourd’s shelf life.

16. Winter Squash

winter squash

Winter squash encompasses a few different types of squash. These types of squash are called winter squash because it is harvested when it is mature and its skin has grown harder. The harder skin makes it easy to store during cold winter months.

Vegetables that Start with W