25+ Vegetables that Start with P

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25+ Vegetables that Start with P

Here is a list of vegetables that start with P. You can use it as a reference, or just a place to get some information on veggies you may not have heard about before.

1. Pak Choy

Pak Choy

Pak choy is another name for bok choy, which is Chinese cabbage. Because it’s so adept at surviving in the cold weather, it’s growing increasingly popular as a crop in the northern parts of Europe.

2. Paracress


Do you love the winking lights of fireflies? Then you might want to consider growing paracress in your yard because it naturally attracts them!

Oh, and you can eat the leaves of this plant, too. There are some who use the leaves fresh in their salads.

3. Parsley


Parsley is a plant that thrives in the Mediterranean climate. It’s mostly used as an herb in the United States, but you can eat it as a vegetable, as well.

4. Parsnip


If you were to pull a parsnip out of the ground, you’d probably notice that they look like carrots. Also like carrots, their taste is a little bit on the sweeter side, making them an excellent veggie for anyone with a sweet tooth.

5. Paul Robeson Tomato

Paul Robeson Tomato

Although the name might be confusing for some, the Paul Robeson tomato is a type of heirloom tomato. It was named after Paul Robeson, an American singer.

6. Pea


The small, round green veggies we know as peas are actually seeds. Additionally, they’re not always green – they can occasionally come in yellow.

7. Pearl Onion

Pearl Onion

These adorable onions likely get their name because they’re tiny. This is also probably why some of their other names include button and baby onion.

Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands are the world’s largest growers of pearl onions.

8. Peppers


The pepper family is a large one. Although technically classified as fruits, they’re on this list because peppers are most often used in savory dishes like other veggies.

Jalapeno, bell, and chili peppers are just a few examples of more prominent peppers.

9. Persian Cucumber

Persian Cucumber

Persian cucumbers are just one type of the cucumber plant that we all know and love. You can think of them as mini-cucumbers, because they only grow to be about 6 inches long. Plus, if you don’t like seeds, you’ll love the fact that they’re almost entirely seedless.

10. Persimmon


Persimmons are versatile plants. You can eat them raw, use their leaves to make tea, or even make desserts out of them.

11. Pigeon Pea

Pigeon pea

While the pigeon pea is not so common in the US, you’ll find it frequently in Asian, African, and Latin American cuisine. Because they are resistant to droughts, they’re a fantastic plant to grow if you live in an arid climate.

12. Pink Bean

Pink bean

One look at the pink bean will tell you how it got its name, because it’s small and bright pink. In Spanish, it’s called “pinquito,” which means “pink and small.”

13. Pink Boar Tomato

Pink Boar Tomato

The pink boar tomato is an uncommon tomato. As you might have guessed, it’s a reddish pink color with streaks of green. The flavor is described as sweet and juicy.  

14. Pink Purslane

Pink Purslane

There are actually a few different types of plants that go by the name pink purslane. The one we’re including has the Latin name Claytonia sibirica, and its glossy heart-shaped leaves can be consumed in a salad.

15. Pinto Bean

Pinto bean

If you live in the United States, especially the southwest, you’ve probably eaten the speckled pinto bean before. It’s typically made into refried beans, which are a staple in Mexican food.

16. Plum Tomato

Plum Tomato

The small plum tomato is a type of tomato that was specifically bred to be used in sauces. If you’re looking for this tomato cultivar in your grocery store, you’ll likely see it as a roma or San Marzano tomato.  

17. Pokeweed


Pokeweed is actually poisonous and can cause harm to anyone who eats it. The older the plant gets, the more toxic it is. What’s interesting, though, is that people do still eat it in salads.

Before eating, the leaves of really young pokeweed are boiled at least two times and the water is replaced each time it’s boiled. Boiling the leaves is crucial, because it makes them edible.

18. Pole Bean

Pole bean

Pole beans are basically a type of green bean. The only thing that makes them different from each other is how they grow, and you’ll get a hint about their growth in pole beans’ name.

Pole beans need to have a support in order to grow. Because they grow very tall, you’ll need poles or a trellis for them to climb up.

19. Potato


The ever-popular potato originated from the Americas. Nowadays, this versatile tuber is used in tons of recipes. Boil them, mash them, bake them, fry them – you can do so many things with the simple potato. Potatoes may be cooked right after harvest, but may also be stored for later use. Check out this guide on how to freeze potatoes

20. Potato Onion

Potato Onion

No, the potato onion is not some strange combination of a potato and an onion. This is an onion like any other, but it grows in irregularly shaped bulbs, which might be where the name came from.

21. Prairie Turnip

Prairie Turnip

The prairie turnip actually has two names that start with P; the second one is pomme blanche. This plant grows in North America, but within those boundaries, you can find it in a range of locations. From the Canadian province of Manitoba to the American state of Texas, the prairie turnip can be found predictably in prairies and woodlands.

Native Americans used the prairie turnip in a few of their recipes. Sometimes, it’s made into flour and used to make frybread.

22. Prussian Asparagus

Prussian Asparagus

This plant, which grows white flowers with long petals, is also known as the bath asparagus. The name bath asparagus is due to the fact that they used to grow near the city of Bath in England.

You can eat the shoots of the plant like a vegetable.

23. Pumpkin


Most have eaten or at least seen a pumpkin. Pumpkin is a type of squash known for its round shape with ridged sides and bright orange skin.

It has tons of uses. Every year, many people around the world carve pumpkins into terrifying or silly jack-o-lanterns for Halloween decorations. Others use pumpkin to make indulgent pumpkin pie or soup.

Read Also: What Does Pumpkin Taste Like?

24. Purple Asparagus

Purple Asparagus

Imagine asparagus that was dyed a bright violet, and you’ll have a clear picture of what purple asparagus looks like. It was originally bred in Italy.

25. Purple Potato

Purple Potato

There are over 4,000 types of potato, so if we included every single one that starts with a P on this list, it would get pretty long. Purple potatoes are a broad category – it includes every potato with purple skin.

26. Pursley


Although it may look like it, pursley is not parsley with a typo. Pursley refers to the common purslane plant, which is consumed as a leaf vegetable. Salads can sometimes have pursley in them.

Vegetables that Start with P

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