Where to Buy Star Anise and Find It in the Grocery Store

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Searching high and low in the grocery store for star anise?

Where to Buy Star Anise and Find It in the Grocery Store

We’ll also tell you which stores are most likely to carry it…

Quick Summary

Product Name Grade
Soeos Star Anise Seeds If You Need Various Size Options
Spice World Star Anise If You’re Looking for Budget-Friendly
Star Anise Tea Bags If You’re a Tea Lover
Badia Star Anise If You’re Looking for Bulk

Which Grocery Store Aisle Is Star Anise In?

spice section rack

Look in the spice aisle first for star anise. It may be ground or in whole spice form, but it should be in the same racks as other spices.

If it’s not there, check the international aisle.  

Lastly, check the bulk spice section.

What Stores Sell Star Anise?

  • Amazon– Buying from Amazon is the quickest solution if you’ve struggled to find star anise locally. You can usually get it more cheaply by the pound or any form you need for cooking and baking.
  • Walmart – Walmart sells whole and ground star anise from brands like Morton & Bassett, Frontier Co-op, and Hoosier Hill Farm. What’s available for pick-up and shipping can vary, so check the store locator online.
  • Your Local Health Food Store – Look in the spice aisle and the bulk bins for star anise at any chain or independent health food store.
  • Whole Foods– You can find star anise at Whole Foods. Keep an eye out for the store brand and Spicely and Frontier Co-op.
  • Target– The spice aisle at Target will have Badia star anise in plastic pouches.
  • Safeway – Check Safeway for Morton & Bassett, Spicely, and Badia. 
  • Kroger – Kroger also carries Frontier Co-op, Badia, The Spice Hunter, and other brands.
  • Publix – Near a Publix supermarket? The usual brands are also available there.
  • Ethnic Markets– Indian and Latin markets are safe bets for star anise.
  • Asian Markets– If there’s an Asian market in your neighborhood, it’ll likely stock the whole spice.

See Next: Where to Find Saffron in the Grocery Store

Great Ways to Use Star Anise

Make Pho

Read Next: Where to Find Xanthan Gum in the Grocery Store

You need a star anise to make pho, so if you have the spice, why not make a delicious pot of pho?

Make a Vanilla Soy Chai Latte with It

If you want to make the best chai tea latte ever, you need to start with the right spices. Simmer star anise with cardamom pods, cloves, cinnamon, and ginger for the tastiest results.

And be sure to check out these cast iron teapots for that latte!

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Cook Rice with It

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