Are you interested to learn about bushes that start with the letter “H”? You found the right article! We listed all of them here, along with a brief description. Read further to learn more.
1. Hamamelis
Hamamelis or witch hazels are a flowering plant genus in the family Hamamelidaceae. Mostly they are deciduous shrubs and small trees. Commonly planted as garden shrubs, they have alternate leaves and bear two parts capsuled fruits. The barks and leaves of some species are used in traditional medicine.
2. Halesia
Also known as silver bell, this genus of large deciduous shrubs or small trees consists of 5 species and are native to eastern Asia and North America. Most species of this genus can grow up to 5 to 20 meters tall, while some can reach 39 meters. They have drooping white or light pink flowers and produce oblong fruit making them ideal as an ornamental plant in public gardens.
3. Hebe
This plant genus is native to New Zealand, France, and South America and has about 90 species. The name is derived from the Greek goddess of youth “hebe.” The plant appears with opposite leaves in perpendicular rows and perfect flowers in blue, white, pink, and purple which make it mostly cultivated as an ornamental plant.
4. Hedera
These climbing, woody, and evergreen shrubs belonging also known as ivy have 12 to 15 species that are native to Europe, Macaronesia, Africa, and Asia. The creeping plant can reach 20cm height in low ground, but can reach up to 30m height when clinging on trees. They bear yellow green flowers in an umbrella-like shape that contain a high amount of nectar. The dark purple fruit contains numerous seeds that are used as bird food.
5. Helichrysum
This genus of flowering plant has approximately 600 species that belong to the sunflower family. They can be annuals, herbaceous shrubs that may reach up to 35 inches tall. Generally, they are used as food plants by various insects including moths and butterflies.
6. Hibiscus
This genus has hundreds of species all belonging to the mallow family Malvaceae and are native to tropical and subtropical regions in the world. They can be woody shrubs, annual or perennial, and are widely known as ornamental plants due to their large flowers. The hibiscus flower can also be used as tea served hot or cold, resulting in a red-colored and vitamin C-rich beverage.
7. Holodiscus
This genus of flowering plants belonging to the rose family is native to parts of Canada and the US. They are deciduous plants that can grow up to 7 meters tall. Holodiscus has seven species, mostly growing in the wild and function as a pollinator for bees and butterflies.
8. Hydrangea
Hydrangea is a collective name of flowering plants with over 75 species all native to the Americas and Asia that are either deciduous or evergreen. Most species are shrubs while some are small trees. In addition to the shrub being known as an ornamental plant, the roots are also used in traditional medicine.
9. Hypericum
Hypericum is a flowering plant that belongs to the family Hypericaceae growing worldwide except in deserts, tropical lowlands, and Polar Regions. The genus has about 490 species, mostly treated as weeds. They may be trees, shrubs, herbaceous, or perennials.
10. Hyssop
Hyssop is a shrub in the mint family Lamiaceae. The bright-colored shrub can grow up to 60cm tall with a woody stem, dark green leaves, and fragrance-releasing flowers that come in shades of blue, pink, and white. Due to the shrub’s antiseptic properties and as a cough reliever, hyssop is widely used in traditional medicine.

Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!