11 Bushes that Start with P (Complete List)

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Are you looking for bushes with names that start with “P”? Look no further. You will find all of them listed here, along with a brief description. Read further to learn more.

1. Potentilla

Potentilla is a flowering plant with about 300 species. The potentilla looks exactly like strawberry except for its inedible fruits. It is typically cultivated as a garden plant and for ornamental purposes, although there are reports that some potentilla species are used in traditional medicine. 

2. Paeonia

This flowering plant is the only genus in the family Paeoniaceae. It has about 30 scientifically recorded species, mostly herbaceous while some are woody shrubs. The shrub produces pink, yellow, white, and purple flowers that only bloom for 7 to 10 days. Generally, they are planted as garden and ornamental plants.

3. Parahebe

Parahebe are evergreen dwarf shrubs and perennials, consisting of 30 species, native to Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea. They are closely related to Hebe but are smaller in size, with glossy paired leaves, and produce white, lavender to blue small flowers. Parahebe are cultivated mostly as a garden and ornamental plant.

4. Parthenocissus

This climbing plant belongs to the grape family Vitaceae, which consists of 12 species that are native to the Himalayas, East Asia, and North America. Parthenocissus species are consumed as food plants by some insects, but generally, most species are planted for ornamental purposes.

5. Passiflora

Also called passion flowers, this genus of flowering plants contains about 550 species, belonging to the family Passifloraceae. These species are often woody or herbaceous climbing plants, while others are shrubs or trees. They produce a flower with a particular corona which ripens and turns into fruit with seeds.

6. Philadelphus

More commonly known as mock orange, this shrub has about 60 species, mostly deciduous while some are evergreen. It has opposite leaves and white flowers similar to those of oranges which it is named after. It bears capsule fruits containing several small seeds which are eaten by insects. The plant also serves as a garden and ornamental plant in parks and public places.

7. Phlomis

Phlomis is a genus of herbaceous plants, shrubs, and dwarf shrubs with about 100 species belonging to the family Lamiaceae. The name phlomis is a Greek word that means flames, referring to its leaves used as lamps in ancient times. The shrub’s size ranges from 30 cm to 2m in height, with opposite floral leaves, squared stems, yellow-pink, and purple-white flowers.

8. Phormium

Phormium is a genus of two plant species belonging to the family Asphodelaceae. The first species is native only to New Zealand, while the other one is from New Zealand and Norfolk Island. These herbaceous perennial monocots measure about three meters in height, have hard, dark green leaves shaped like swords, and bear tube-shaped flowers that become dark red when mature.

9. Photinia

Photinia is a genus of small trees and shrubs belonging to the rose family Rosaceae and is closely related to apples. This genus has about 40 to 60 species, mostly evergreen but in rare cases, also deciduous. These shrubs are widely cultivated for ornamental purposes due to their white flowers and small, red apple-like fruit.

10. Phygelius

Phygelius, also known as Cape fuchsia, is a flowering plant genus in the family Scrophulariaceae native to Southern Africa. This evergreen shrub bears white, yellow, and red tube-like flowers over the summer season and serves as an ornamental plant in gardens.

11. Pieris

Pieris is a genus of shrubs belonging to the family Ericaceae, containing seven species native to mountain regions of Asia, North America, and Cuba. This genus of evergreen shrubs is described as having broad-leaves and can reach up to 6 meters in height, with spiral leaves, pink and white long bell-shaped flowers, and woody capsuled fruits containing small seeds.

shrubs that start with p