10 Bushes that End with S (Complete List)

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Are you looking for bushes that end with “S”? If yes, then this article is for you. Down below is a list of all bushes that end with “S”, along with a brief description. Read further to learn more.

1. Creeping Mazus

Mazus reptans or Creeping Mazus is a low-lying and low-growing shrub or bush that is native to the Himalayan regions. It grows to about 15 cm in height and spreads upwards of 30 cm. Characterized by its short alternating leaves and two-lipped blue, pink, or white-spotted flowers, it is considered an ornamental plant that serves as a groundcover because of its fast growth and dense foliage.

2. Flor-Das-Almas

Scientifically known as Senecio brasiliensis, the Flor-Das-Almas stands for flower of souls. The perennial plant is related to the sunflower family and grows up to 2 meters in height. It has distinct yellow daisy-like flowers and is native in the Central Southern American area.

3. Geebungs

Also named Snottygobblies, Geebung is a wide classification of bushes and shrubs. These flowering plants are known for their smooth bark and yellowish leaves and flowers. They have extremely long simple leaves. They are native to the arid regions of Australia. They have a fruit that is like a drupe that contains up to four seeds.

4. Hibiscus

The Hibiscus is a genus of flowering bushes or plants known for their beautiful and reddish-pink flower with a long tubular pistil. They can grow in different regions ranging from warm climates to temperate regions. This genus is known for its tart flavoring and vitamin C content, which makes it a famous choice for tea.

5. Indian Kalimeris

This herbaceous, belonging to the daisy family, is called Indian Aster or Kalimeris indica. Usually found in abandoned fields and lands, this bush grows up to 50 cm and has the usual short leaves and flowers associated with daisies. In Eastern Asia, it is considered a delicacy and commonly added in tofu for its unique flavor.

6. Lisianthus

Otherwise known as Texas Bluebells or Prairie Gentian, this species belongs to the genus Eustoma. This bush or shrub is defined by its waxy green leaves and blue or white bell-shaped flowers. Originally found in the Northern American region, it has grown in popularity in Japan and is cultivated as an ornamental garden shrub.

7. Pieris

Pieris is a genus of bushes under the Ericaceae family. Usually found in the Eastern Asian and Eastern American areas, it is also known as Andromedas or Fetterbushes. They grow up to 6 meters and have evergreen and spiral foliage. It is mainly grown for ornamental and aesthetic purposes and prefers acidic soil.

8. Sea Oats

This bush is found in subtropical regions and generally part of the common coastal plant ecology. Also known as Arroz De Costa or seaside oats, it is usually found in the beachside regions of America. It has large seeds and a wheat-like structure that helps protect the beach from strong winds and storms and promotes sand dune formation.

9. Sweet Scabious

Under the genus Scabiosa, the Mournful Widow or Sweet Scabious is commonly cultivated and found in the Southern European region. Mainly an ornamental bush, it has cauline leaves and reddish-purple flowers. In the wild, its seeds are spread and unknowingly planted by animals. It prefers cooler temperatures and has become an invasive species in the American region.

10. Trailing arbutus

This low-growing shrub under the Ericaceae family is natively found in the Northwestern American region. It is known for its sprawling and slow growth. It can be found prevalent inside oak forests. It has large, oval, and evergreen leaves with a small white flower that is considered sacred amongst Native Americans. The said flower is also the floral emblem of Massachusetts.

bushes that end with s

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