Why are Cashews More Expensive Raw than Roasted?

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why are cashews more expensive raw than roasted?

If you’ve ever looked at various cashews on the shelf at any store, you might have noticed an interesting trend: raw ones are more expensive than roasted ones.

This seems counterintuitive. After all, more work needs to go into a roasted cashew than a raw one. You would think that a raw cashew, which can be put on the shelf more quickly, should cost less.

So why are cashews more expensive raw than roasted? The answer is quite logical, and when we found out, we thought it made a lot of sense. We’ll explain why below.

Quick Answer: Why are Cashews More Expensive Raw than Roasted?

The reason raw cashews are more expensive is that they have a shorter shelf life. Because they don’t last as long on the shelf, it takes more effort to ensure the ones for sale are always fresh.

There’s a constant rotation of raw cashews when the previous ones aren’t sold, which costs the store more money. And if they want to keep raw cashews on the shelves longer, they have to be treated with special chemicals, which are costly.

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The Shelf Life of Raw Cashews vs Roasted

Now that you know raw cashews don’t last a long, you might be curious about what their shelf life expectancy is.

If you don’t store them properly, raw cashews might only last for a few days. To ensure they last longer than that, you should keep them in a in a sealed container in your freezer. As long as they’re kept cool and dry, they’ll last longer.

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Keeping roasted nuts is much easier. How long they will last depends on what kind of container they’re in and other factors.

That average tin of cashews you find on shelves in most grocery stores will last you a couple of weeks. But if you want them to last longer, like raw cashews, you’ll want to store them in a dark and cool place. You can keep them in either your fridge or freezer for longer-lasting cashews.

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Which One is Healthier: Raw or Roasted?

"But overall, neither one is much better or worse than the other."

If price isn’t the bottom line for you, you may want to know if there’s another reason to choose either raw or roasted cashews.

One thing you may want to consider is flavor and texture. Roasted cashews will be crunchier, and they are also usually covered in salt or other seasonings.

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For that reason, their flavor may be a bit bolder. If you’re trying to cut out less healthy salty snacks, a roasted nut will more closely mimic the snacks you’re replacing.

Healthiness is another aspect worth contemplating. Interestingly, there isn’t much of a nutritional difference between roasted and raw cashews.

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You might see a higher amount of calories in roasted cashews if they’ve also been salted or glazed. But overall, neither one is much better or worse than the other.

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Wrap Up

Shelf life has a lot to do with the price of foods in stores. If something can’t stay on a shelf for long, it’s difficult to keep it in stock and the store takes a loss when the entire supply isn’t bought.

It’s the same for cashews. Because they store better once they’ve been roasted and salted, they’re less expensive that way.

Whichever one you prefer is entirely up to you. Cost and flavor will likely be the deciding factors here, since they’re nutritionally similar.

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