Do Greenhouses Have Floors?

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Do Greenhouses Have Floors

Greenhouses can be as different as their owners. They come in all shapes and sizes, and with a wide range of extra features.

Some greenhouses look like miniature homes. Others have a unique tunnel shape that allows room for a large garden.

But what about the bottom of greenhouses? Do greenhouses have floors?

That’s a very good question, and one we’ll be more than happy to answer for you.

Quick Answer: Do Greenhouses Have Floors?

When it comes to whether or not greenhouses have floors, the answer is yes, some of them do. However, not all of them have floors.

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Gardeners who are choosing to use a greenhouse and want to grow their garden in the ground often won’t have floors in their greenhouses. Instead, they’ll have the bare earth where the floor would be, with some walkways or paths crossing through it.

Those who are using raised garden beds or planters may choose to have a floor. Some might even have a floor covering most of the ground, with bare earth in a few places for gardening in the ground.

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What A Good Greenhouse Floor Needs

If you’re interested in installing a floor in your greenhouse, there are a few things you’ll need to consider.

First, think about how you want to grow your plants. Do you want to grow them directly in the ground, or will you be using planters?

Those choosing to garden in the ground will need to leave places on the floor open to the earth. You may then install walkways crossing the floor instead of completely covering it.

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Second, consider drainage. With all the watering you’ll be doing in your greenhouse, it’s crucial that your flooring will be able to drain adequately, otherwise you’ll just have massive puddles sitting everywhere. Alternatively, you can look into adding an actual drain to the floor to aid in drainage.

Last, you might also want to factor in the longevity of any potential flooring. Some types of flooring can get expensive, so you’ll want to get as much out of it as you can, which means using it for as long as possible.

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Common Types of Floors in Greenhouses

Aside from having a bare floor, there are a few common options for your greenhouse. We’ll go through a few popular picks here.

Crushed gravel is one easy option to install. Because it’s not one flat, continuous surface, it drains really well and it’s easy to put in your greenhouse.

Concrete is a tough and long-lasting pick. Since it’s smooth, you’ll have a much easier time wheeling anything across its surface, such as large planters. Perhaps the greatest disadvantage of concrete is that it can be more expensive than some alternatives.

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Using mulch as flooring is another possibility. It’s easy to put in and it’s extremely affordable, but the drawback is that it can promote bacterial and fungal growth.

Some people even lay down bricks for the flooring. They can raise the greenhouse’s humidity, and they provide a nice, even surface for walking on.

If none of those options appeal to you, weed mats are another solid selection. It’s a simple matter to stretch them out and staple them onto the floor. Their benefits are excellent drainage and pest prevention.

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Wrap Up

"There are plenty of flooring choices out there, which can accommodate a range of budgets and needs."

In short, choosing to install a floor in your greenhouse depends on what you’re looking for. If you’d like to continue growing your plants in the ground, you won’t necessarily need a full floor.

But if you’re going to grow in raised beds or in planters, you certainly could use a floor. There are plenty of flooring choices out there, too, which can accommodate a range of budgets and needs.