Do Greenhouses Keep Bugs Out?

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Do Greenhouses Keep Bugs Out

In any garden, bugs can be one of the greatest issues.

Caterpillars will eat your plants’ leaves. Slugs will also chew holes through your plants’ leaves, and they’ll do it overnight while you can’t see them. Mites, like fleas of the plant world, will hide on your plants, and some will suck valuable and nutritious juices out of them.

You might be thinking that a greenhouse must be the answer to your insect problems. But do greenhouses really keep bugs out?

We’ll investigate that question and give you an explanation in this post.

Quick Answer: Do Greenhouses Keep Bugs Out?

The answer to this question is slightly complicated. A greenhouse can certainly help protect your plants from bugs, but it’s not a guarantee that no bugs will get in.

Some insects, such as mites, hitch a ride on plants. If you transfer your plants from someone else’s greenhouse to your own greenhouse, you risk bringing mites in.

Opening doors, vents, and windows can also let other insects inside.

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What You Can Do to Prevent Insect Infestations in Your Greenhouse

"there are many things you can do to help guard your greenhouse plants from pests, and many of these solutions are natural."

So if a greenhouse isn’t a guarantee of protection from insects, what else can you do? The good news is, there are many things you can do to help guard your greenhouse plants from pests, and many of these solutions are natural.

Not all bugs are bad for your plants. Some can actually be quite good, and others will help keep the bad ones away. Introducing spiders to your greenhouse could help protect your plants, as the spiders will prey upon any pests that get in.

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Installing screens on doors, windows, and vents will also help. Screens will reduce the number of insects that get in as you vent your greenhouse or whenever you enter.

You can factor in the exterior, too. Removing plant debris and shrubs around the greenhouse can prevent insects from making homes nearby, which in turn keeps them from gradually moving into your greenhouse.

Another key consideration is vigilance. Your greatest protection from bugs will be paying attention, as the earlier you take action, the better.

When you purchase plants from another greenhouse, inspect them carefully. Check for any indication that they could be carrying mites that could spread to your other plants.

Even if you have reason to suspect your plants are mite-free, continue to inspect them periodically in your own greenhouse. Look for holes in the leaves, things that look like small eggs around your plants, or a speckled look on leaves.

Wrap Up

Greenhouses, although incredibly useful, are far from infallible. Installing lights in them can promote growth, and they can even conserve water.

They will protect your plants from insects better than an open-air garden, but they can still be susceptible to such pests. However, you can take steps to insure that your greenhouse is even safer from insect infestations.

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Adding screens to windows, doors, and vents is one wise step to take. Inspecting your plants periodically for signs of pests is something else you can do that can make a huge difference.

Would you like to learn more about greenhouse gardening in various climates? Take a look at our list of the best greenhouses for a desert climate.