Are you trying to find fruits that start with Q? To be honest, there aren’t very many, but we’ll tell you about every one we could find in this list.
Let’s take a closer look…
1. Quandong
The Quandong fruit can typically be found growing in certain parts of Australia. Some people use it to make a filling for pie or turn it into juice.
2. Quararibea Cordata Fruit
If you have a hard time saying Quararibea cordata, you might prefer to call this fruit by one of its other names: the South American sapote. This fruit is a bright orange color, and it’s juicy and sweet.
3. Queen Anne Cherry
Queen Anne cherries, as you might have guessed, are a particular kind of cherry. Although these cherries are full of healthy antioxidants, you might want to limit your intake of them, because they’re also full of sugar!
If you do happen to have some Queen Anne cherries, though, why not give our beet, kale, cherry, banana & ginger smoothie recipe a try?
4. Quenepa
Quenepa is a fruit in the soapberry berry family and it comes from South America. It resembles small green cherries. You can eat them raw or can them.
5. Quinault Strawberry
You might not know this, but there are tons of strawberry varieties in the world today. One is the Quinault strawberry, which was born in the Washington State University in 1967. They’re essentially extra-large and sweet strawberries, with the added bonus that they resist diseases other strawberries are vulnerable to.
Want to try combining two different fruits on this list into a recipe? You can use your cherries and strawberries in our Vitamix “chocolate covered” cherry & strawberry ice cream recipe!
6. Quince
The quince fruit tree is so beautiful, that it’s often planted by landscapers for decoration. Beyond its ornamental uses, however, it does grow an edible fruit that you can eat raw.
Read Also: What Does Quince Taste Like?

Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!