How to Grow Dill Indoors

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How to Grow Dill Indoors

If you’re aiming to grow your own herbs, then growing indoors is a great option! In fact, you can grow a ton of stuff inside just about any space. Read on to learn how to grow dill indoors, starting today!

Dill is an amazing herb. You can use it to add a fresh brightness to all manner of salads and raw dishes, or use it to make pickles! It’s great fresh or used in seed form, and is one of the oldest flavorings on the planet. Herbivore companions like rabbits love it too.

If you’re aiming to cultivate an indoor herb garden, dill is an absolute must for your list. It’s a very easily adaptive herb that can thrive in all kinds of places, as long as it gets plenty of sunshine.

Related Article: 6 Best Planters for Dill

Materials You’ll Need

A Growing Container

You can choose ceramic, plastic, or any other container that you like. Just make sure that it has drainage holes on the bottom, and a base to sit on. If you’d like to grow a lot of dill, then prepare several containers.

A Handful of Gravel or Medium-Sized Rocks

You can buy these, or just wash garden stones with soapy water. You’ll place into the bottom of your container to help the soil drain if it gets over-watered.

Potting Soil

Plants grown in containers need well-aerated soil. Potting soil is specifically designed for container gardens: it has perlite or lava rock in it so it doesn’t get compacted. Choose one that is rich in compost, because dill is a heavy feeder.

Dill Seeds

This herb grows very easily from seed, but doesn’t transplant well in seedling form. Get yourself a packet of seeds from a local nursery or even the grocery store. There are several varieties to choose from, but Dukat and Fernleaf are the best dwarf options for growing indoors.

A Watering Can

This makes it easy to pour just the right amount of water into your container. Choose a small one for your herbs so the water stream doesn’t injure delicate stalks.

How to Grow Dill Indoors Step By Step

Step 1: Prep Your Container

Wash your growing pot well with dish soap and hot water. Rinse it thoroughly, and let it dry completely.

Step 2: Add Rocks or Gravel

Take those stones you bought or gathered and place them at the bottom of the container, about 1″ deep. As mentioned, this will provide drainage so the soil doesn’t compact or get waterlogged.

Step 3: Add the Soil

Take your compost-rich potting soil and fill the container. The soil level should be about 1″ below the top.

Step 4: Pre-Wet the Soil

Fill your watering can with room-temperature water, and moisten the soil thoroughly.

Step 5: Press Indentations Where You Want to Plant Your Seeds

Use your fingertip to press a few shallow spots around the soil’s surface. Aim to leave 2″ of space around each seed so it has room to grow.

Step 6: Plant the Seeds!

Place those flat dill seeds into the middle of each indentation, and cover very lightly with soil.

Step 7: Water Gently

Water the seeds lightly to moisten the soil blanket on top of them.

Step 8: Place the Container in a Sunny Spot

Dill needs at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight every day. Place your container in a spot where the plants will get plenty of light, away from cold drafts.

Dill Care Tips

Tip 1: Never Let the Soil Dry Out Completely

Check the soil every couple of days to make sure it’s damp, and add water as needed. If the soil dries out, your dill might bolt from the stress. This means that it’ll start flowering and go to seed because it thinks it’s dying.

Tip 2: Check Plants Regularly for Mildew

Mildew loves to thrive in damp environments. Since dill plants need a lot of moisture, they can get mildew around their stems. You can help avoid it by clearing away fallen leaves from the soil’s surface. If mildew appears, spray it with a bit of diluted apple cider vinegar.
Then let the surface dry out for a couple of days in the sunshine before watering again.

Tip 3: How to Deal with Aphids if They Appear

Most plant pests hate dill, but aphids may show up now and then. You can easily get rid of them by hosing down your dill beneath a running tap. Alternatively, you can spray some neem oil on the plants to eliminate these insects.

Wrap Up

Dill is a pretty self-sufficient herb, so it really doesn’t need to be fussed over too much. As long as you keep the soil well watered, and give it plenty of light, it should provide you with all the deliciousness you’re looking for.

As an aside, if you don’t have a sunny spot in your home, you can use a grow light instead. In fact, there are great planters you can buy specifically for this purpose. Look for indoor planters that offer full-spectrum LED lights, as these will help your plants through their entire lifespan.

These kinds of all-in-one planters are perfect for homes that don’t get a lot of direct sunshine. You can place them on bookshelves or dressers, and grow herbs in almost every room in the house.

Just don’t grow anything edible in the bathroom. Even if the light is awesome in there.

Happy growing!