Wilted spinach has a ton of culinary uses. You can eat it by itself, or you can include in other recipes like pasta and soup.
Given that wilted spinach is so delicious (and good for you!), you might be wondering if the same tasty quality happens with other leafy greens.
Today, we’re going to take a look at arugula. We’ll be answering the following questions: does arugula wilt like spinach? If it does, what can you use it for?
To learn more about spinach, you may check out our guide to freezing spinach.
Quick Answer: Does Arugula Wilt Like Spinach?
Yes, arugula wilts exactly like spinach does. Most leafy greens will do something similar when you apply heat to them.
Also Read: Does Arugula Taste Good Cooked?
How to Wilt Arugula
Wilting arugula is a pretty quick and easy process.
One way to do it is by steaming the arugula. You can either use an actual vegetable steamer like this one to do it or you can use a plate and some aluminum foil to achieve the same effect.
For the plate and foil method, you’ll just need to make three balls out of aluminum foil that are about the size of a golf ball. Place them in a pot filled with half an inch of water, then rest a plate that can resist high temperatures on top. When you start to boil the water, the veggies sitting on the plate will be steamed.
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The second method of wilting arugula is using a frying pan. Put some oil in a skillet and warm it up over medium heat. You’ll know the pan is warm enough once the oil moves like water when you tilt the pan.
Then, add as much arugula as you’d like. Greens are very delicate, though, so be careful not to leave it in the pan for more than one or two minutes at the most. It will wilt extremely quickly.
Read Also: Where Does Arugula Come From?
What Can You Use Wilted Arugula In?
When it comes to using the wilted arugula, only your imagination limits you. You could use it in potentially as many recipes as wilted spinach.
You could even add some garlic or herbs and spices to it and eat the wilted arugula by itself.
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However, we think the heat and soft texture of the wilted arugula would go especially well in soups or pasta. We recommend giving this vegan arugula pasta recipe a try if you’re looking for something new.
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Wrap Up
There you have it: arugula wilts, exactly as spinach does, when it’s steamed or cooked. Best of all, the end result is tasty and can be combined with all kinds of dishes.
We personally think wilted arugula would be amazing in a soup or vegan pasta dish. If you’d like to learn more about its flavor so you know what to use it in, you can read about what arugula tastes like here.
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Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!