Fruits Like Plums (12 Substitutes that Look and Taste Similar)

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Fruits Like Plums

If you’re a plum fan, chances are you’re on the lookout for other, similar snacks to enjoy. Well, you’re in luck! We’ve compiled a list of 12 other fruits like plums for you to love. Read on to discover some new beauties to explore.

1. Jujubes


These Middle Eastern fruits look like small plums when fresh and ripe. Also, just like plums, they can be dried into prune- or date-like dried snacks.

If you live in a place where they’re cultivated fresh, see if you can try them! They’re sweet and juicy, and absolutely delightful served with spiced nuts and vegan cheese.

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2. Peaches


These fuzzy beauties are close cousins to plums. They’re also part of the Prunus family, and come in yellow, pink, and white varieties.

Like plums, they’re stone fruits that have sweet, juicy flesh. They’re also packed with vitamin C, and a ton of antioxidants. This means that every time you eat one, you’re choosing foods that are great for your body, as well as your taste buds.

3. Nectarines


Chances are that if you love plums, you’ll adore nectarines too. These peach cousins have a similar firm, juicy flesh to plums, but with a more peach-like flavor. They also have smooth skins, just in case you’re not fond of the fuzz that peaches and apricots have all over them.

If you can, try to find white nectarines. They’re almost honey sweet, juicy, and absolute treasures to eat. Here’s a tip: as delicious as these fruits are when chilled, they’re at their juiciest when served at room temperature.

4. Apricots


Apricots are really interesting fruits. They have the same kind of fuzzy skin that peaches have, but their flesh tastes more like plum. It’s grainy and sweet, but also has quite a tart aftertaste.

The best way to eat fresh apricots is when they’re almost too soft. Keep them at room temperature to really take advantage of their nectar-like sweetness. Alternatively, you can also dehydrate them for iron-rich hiking snacks later.

Related Article: Fruits that Go with Apricots

5. Pluots


These are delicious hybrids between plums and apricots. Since they look and taste more like plums, that part of their parentage came first in their name. They have smooth, reddish skins

6. Apriums


Remember how the hybrids above are named for their primary parent? Well, these are also hybrids between plums and apricots. In this case, however, the main DNA that manifested itself was that of the apricot. As a result, they’re known as “apriums”.

7. Prunes


Did you know that prunes are dried plums? These sweet, chewy snacks may not have plums’ trademark sweetness, but they’re amazingly flavorful.

If you like plums, you may also enjoy prunes’ rich, deep, almost smoky taste. Just don’t eat too many of them in one go.

8. Dates


Similar to prunes, dates are actually quite juicy fruits with big stone pits when they’re ripe. Most of us outside of the Middle East haven’t eaten them fresh, however. Instead, we get to enjoy them dried—a form in which they’re just as awesome.

Try stuffing them with vegan cheese, or put them through a food processor with cocoa powder and shredded walnuts for some protein-rich power balls.

Read This Next: What do Plums Taste Like?

9. Cherries


Think of cherries as small plums and you’ll never forget that they’re related. These are also stone fruits, as you can see by the stone-like pits in their centers. They’re also amazing when dried—even tastier than prunes or apricots.

Fresh cherries can be used in lieu of plums for all kinds of desserts. Try halving them and using them as substitutes in plum cake. Or, bake them into pies and galettes to celebrate summer’s bounty.

10. Mangoes


You may not have thought of mangoes as stone fruits, but they are! In fact, they even have a similar sweet-sour, stringy texture to plums. The main difference between them is that you need to peel a mango to get at the succulent flesh held within.

In contrast, you can just bite right into plums to enjoy them. Still, most of plums’ bitterness is held in their skins, so many people prefer to peel them too.

11. Avocados


Hey, you know that big pit that avocados have in their middles? Those pits make them stone fruits too! They may not have the same texture as plums, nor their sweetness, but they’re amazingly healthy.

Just like plums, avocados are rich in antioxidants, as well as essential nutrients. They’re also anti-inflammatory, and are ideal foods for people with autoimmune conditions.

12. Olives


We may not eat olives right off the tree like we do with other stone fruits, but it counts as a drupe nonetheless. These beauties come in countless shapes and sizes, and are either brined, fermented, salted, or otherwise preserved to make them edible.

They’re not sweet, but their rich, fatty flesh and high polyphenol content make them invaluable for our health. And hey, they’re rather amazingly delicious too.

As you can see, there are several other fruits like plums that you can revel in when plums themselves aren’t available. Get yourself a big bowl full of cherries to snack on, or add some chopped prunes to your morning cereal. See if you can work one of these stone fruits into your daily diet every day. Your body (and your taste buds) will thank you!