Next up in our list of fruits is fruits that start with T. We’ve found a bunch of fruits that we’ll be sharing with you in this post. We’ll also provide you a little background info on each one in case you’ve never heard of them before.
1. Tachibana Orange
The Tachibana orange wasn’t a fruit that was bred after generations of experimenting. Instead, it’s a wild citrus fruit that originated in China.
2. Tamarillo
Tamarillo is also known as tree tomato. It’s an oval-shaped fruit that you can find in South America and Indonesia. They’re incredibly nutritious fruits that are also low in calories.
3. Tamarind
People eat pulp from the tamarind fruit all over the world. This pulp is sweet and tart at the same time, although it gets sourer if you eat it before it’s ripe.
You can even eat the leaves, which some Indian cooks use. If you’d like to give tamarind a try, here’s where to find tamarind paste in the grocery store.
4. Tangelo
Tangelo combines the qualities of two different kinds of citrus fruits: mandarin or tangerine and pomelo or grapefruit. Their skin is easier than that of other oranges to peel and quite juicy.
5. Tangerine
Tangerines are similar to the common orange, but they’re not as large or sour. This might make them preferable to you if you don’t like the acidity of an orange.
If you’d like to learn more about the taste of tangerines and how to use them, you can take a look at our guide to what a tangerine tastes like.
6. Tangor
The name for tangor makes sense when you consider the fact that it’s a combination of the word “tang” and “orange.” This round orange fruit is another citrus hybrid, combining the mandarin and sweet oranges.
7. Tart Cherry
Tart cherries are related to sweet cherries. As you can imagine, their pulp is much sourer and the reason they’re called tart cherries.
8. Tayberry
If you like raspberries and blackberries, you’ll probably like the tayberry because it’s a combination of the two. It gets its name from a river in Scotland.
When it comes to taste, you can imagine it as really sweet. For that reason, they’re perfect for eating raw.
9. Taylor’s Gold Pear
The Taylor’s Gold pear was first discovered in New Zealand as recently as 1986. It’s an extremely juicy pear that some believe is a naturally occurring hybridization of Bosc and Comice pears.
Read Also: What are the Juiciest Pears?
10. Terap
Terap is a relative of the breadfruit, cempedak, and jackfruit, which all appeared on our other lists of fruits below. It has a strong smell and a taste that most think is more palatable than the cempedak and jackfruit.
11. Texas Persimmon
You can probably guess where you can find the Texas Persimmon growing: Oklahoma and, of course, Texas. The Texas persimmon can be used to make pudding.
12. Thimbleberry
Thimbleberries resemble truncated raspberries. Also like raspberries, they make a delicious jam, but they’re so fragile that they can’t be shipped or packed for long.
13. Tomato
Botanically, the ever-popular tomato is actually classified as a fruit, although people treat it more like a vegetable. The tomato comes from the famous nightshade family of plants, which means it’s related to eggplant.
14. Tommy Atkins Mango
You could be forgiven for assuming anyone referring to the Tommy Atkins mango is talking about a specific person. This mango is known for being able to store for a really long time, which makes it perfect for selling in stores.
15. Tompkins King Apple
Tompkins King apples are named after Tompkins County in New York. However, the history here gets pretty tricky, because they’re not actually from New York. A study of the Tompkins King apple tree found that it originated in New Jersey.
16. Topaz Apple
Topaz apple doesn’t really look like the gemstone it’s named after. Instead, it’s a large, round, and bright red fruit with greenish speckles. It has a piquant flavor and resists disease very well.
17. Totapuri Mango
The name “totapuri” translates to “parrot face” in English. That might just be because the shape of this Indian mango is elongated and pointy, kind of like a parrot’s beak.
Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!