15+ Fruits that Start with J

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15+ Fruits that Start with J

Next in our alphabet of fruits is fruits that start with J. We’ve found a pretty decent number of fruits, so keep scrolling to read more about each one.

1. Jabuticaba


You’d get a better idea of where to find the jaboticaba fruit if you heard its other name: Brazilian grapetree. It grows in a handful of South American countries, including Brazil.

The fruits are a deep purple color. They are safe to eat raw or cooked.

2. Jackfruit


If you want to see some of the biggest fruits in the world, look no further than the massive jackfruit. At its largest size, it can weigh over a hundred pounds!

Want to buy some for yourself? Here’s where to find jackfruit in the grocery store.

3. Jamaican Tangelo

Jamaican Tangelo

Another name for the Jamaican tangelo is uglifruit or uniq fruit. In appearance, you could describe it as looking like a pear-shaped lemon.

It’s very juicy, and sweeter than you’d expect, given its citrusy appearance.

4. Japanese Pear

Japanese Pear

The Japanese pear has orange skin with golden flecks scattered across it. Unlike other pears, you shouldn’t really use them in baking because they have a gritty texture that can be unpleasant. Instead, they taste best when you eat them raw.

Read Also: Why are Pears Gritty?

5. Japanese Persimmon

Japanese Persimmon

Japanese persimmon is one of the oldest plants cultivated by people. Historically, it was rumored to be able to cure headaches and back pain, although that is not necessarily true.

Instead of using it for medicine, try eating it raw. It has a sweet and tangy flavor worth sampling. If you want a more in-depth description, check out our post on what persimmon tastes like.

6. Japanese Plum

Japanese Plum

Japanese plum trees grow such gorgeous flowers that people have been painting them for hundreds of years. The trees come from China, but have spread to Japan, Korea, and Taiwan with time.

Across Asia, the fruits appear in a variety of recipes. Some use the fruit to make juice, for example, and others use it to make liquor.

7. Japanese Quince

Japanese Quince

Japanese quince plants are most popular because of the beautiful flowers they grow. They’re not typically grown for the fruits, which are tough and unappealing to eat by themselves. However, you can use the fruits to make liqueur and marmalade.

Read Also: What Does Quince Taste Like?

8. Java Apple

Java Apple

The tropical Java apple tree grows in some parts of Asia. In the Indian ocean islands, Java apples are commonly served in salads. You can also eat it out of hand as-is.

9. Java Plum

Java Plum

Java plum trees are treasured for a number of reasons: their delicious fruit, their wood, and their aesthetic. It originally came from India, but was eventually spread to other tropical countries like those in the Caribbean.

10. Jocote


Jocote is the most popular name for this cashew family plant. One way to eat the fruit is raw with a little bit of salt.

11. Jonagold Apple

Jonagold Apple

Jonagold is a particular type of apple that is a hybrid of the Golden Delicious and Jonathan apples. They’re especially big apples that are wonderfully juicy and sweet with sour notes.

If you’re looking for the sweetest and juiciest apples out there, be sure to take a look at our guide to what the sweetest and juiciest apples are.

12. Jonathan Apple

Jonathan Apple

There are a couple theories about why the Jonathan apple got its name. Some say it was named after a boy who liked to go to the orchard where they grew. Others say it was named after a man who discovered the apple.

13. Jostaberry


Jostaberries are so dark that they appear almost black. Although they are delicious either raw or cooked, they’re not grown on a commercial scale because they’re not easily harvested mechanically.

14. Jujube


Because jujube is now grown quite widely, no one is completely sure where it originally came from. It tastes like an apple, but not as tart.

15. Juneberry


Juneberry plants grow all over the northern hemisphere. Since they taste like blueberries, they’re perfect for snacking on.

16. Junglesop


Junglesop fruits can get quite large, although not nearly as large as jackfruit. People in Africa love to eat the fruit, but it allegedly takes time to get used to the taste.

17. Juniper Berry

Juniper Berry

Juniper berries look like blueberries that grow on pine trees. In Europe, some people use juniper berries to flavor gin.

Fruits that Start with J