Can You Microwave Cup Noodles? (The Very Good Reason You Shouldn’t…)

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Can you microwave Cup Noodles?

Quick Answer: You should not microwave Cup Noodles. Some materials are safe to microwave, and others are not. The biggest reason you shouldn’t put Cup Noodles in the microwave has to do with absorption, which you’ll learn about below.

Let’s dive in…

What Are Cup Noodles?

Cup Noodles

If you’re wondering what they are, they’re instant ramen noodles individually portioned in foam soup cups from the Japanese company Nissin.

Each cup comes with dried noodles and a flavor packet that consists of some type of seasoning. 

How you heat the water is key.

Why can’t you just skip the step of boiling water separately and prepare the water and the noodles together in the cup? 

If you read the directions, you should see that they indicate pouring preheated water in, not microwaving the whole thing.

Another problem, albeit a less troubling one, is that heating the cup with the water is said to risk extreme temperature issues.

Between the toxin leakage and the temperature issue, it’s best to keep close to the directions, no matter how tempting it is to microwave everything together in one fell swoop.

For more on microwaves be sure to check out this guide: Best Microwave Toaster Oven Combo.

Related Article: Can You Microwave Chipotle Bowls?

Different Types of Instant Noodles

How Do You Know If Instant Noodles Are Microwave Safe or Not?


Labels on Instant Noodles to Be Aware Of

There might be a label on the container that has the word “microwave” with a big “X” drawn over it, indicating that the noodles are not microwave-safe. This isn’t always the case, but it’s possible to see something like this.

Looking for a picture of a microwave is also helpful. You may see it get the green light or find out that your noodles aren’t meant for the microwave just through the visual representation.

Bonus Safety Tips