Do Greenhouses Use Lights?

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Do Greenhouses Use Lights?

We’ll always say that greenhouses can be as simple or complex as you want them to be. Many people just use “cold greenhouses,” which are basic unheated structures, to shelter their plants.

But others go all in when they set up their greenhouse. Some outfit their greenhouses with all kinds of features, including things like shade cloths, air conditioning, and heating.

But do greenhouses use lights, too? In this brief article, we’ll examine the topic of grow lights and the role they can play in greenhouses.

Quick Answer: Do Greenhouses Use Lights?

In short, yes, many greenhouses use lights. The main reason for using greenhouse lighting is that the right kinds of lights can aid plant growth. An extra benefit to lights, though, is that they also provide you ample lighting to see by as you tend to your garden.

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The Advantages of Grow Lights

There are tons of different kinds of grow lights for greenhouses. LED lights are perhaps one of the most common. Aside from helping your plants photosynthesize, they can simulate all parts of the light spectrum, they have long life spans, and they’re energy-efficient.

Some greenhouse gardeners choose to use fluorescent lighting instead, though. They’re an affordable alternative, they’re highly energy efficient, and they have a long lifespan.

High pressure sodium lamps are yet another type you could choose. Like the other options out there, they’re energy-efficient and aren’t very large. The downside to them, though, is that they can be expensive to install in your greenhouse.

Regardless of whichever type you choose (if you choose to use greenhouse lighting at all), the main advantage of a grow light is in the name: it assists your plants’ growth.

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Should You Use Lights in Your Greenhouse?

"if you’re living in an area with limited sunlight and long, cold winters, you’re in a unique position to really benefit from grow lights."

You might be wondering whether or not having a grow light in your greenhouse is worth it. The answer to that question depends on a variety of factors.

First, think about your location. If you already get plenty of sunlight year-round, you may not necessarily need a grow light, especially if your greenhouse is in a sunny spot. In fact, you could have just the opposite problem – you might need to figure out how to cool it down.

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On the flipside, if you’re living in an area with limited sunlight and long, cold winters, you’re in a unique position to really benefit from grow lights. However, there are a few other things you’ll have to consider even in this situation to determine if they’re truly worth it.

When you decide you’re interested in grow lights, think about their cost. This isn’t just the up-front cost, either – factor in the cost for installation and how much they’ll cost to keep running.

If you’re ready to add a grow light to your own greenhouse, there are plenty of great options out there, like this one.

Wrap Up

Greenhouses make it possible to grow a variety of plants all year. Given their growing popularity, there’s also an abundance of technology designed to make greenhouse growing even easier.

Grow lights are just one of many different things you can add to your greenhouse to improve it. They’re immensely useful, and if you live in a place with little sunlight, you could truly benefit from having them.

Want to know what else you can do to keep your plants alive in a sunless winter? We’ve written a guide to that subject here.

Sometimes, the type of greenhouse you choose matters, too. For more advice on choosing a greenhouse, check out our list of the best greenhouses for winter growing.