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Wondering about the flavor of balsamic vinegar?What’s the difference between regular and white balsamic vinegar?In this article, we’re answering these questions as well as offering tips for the tastiest ways to incorporate balsamic vinegar into your recipes.
Let’s get started…
What Does Balsamic Vinegar Taste Like?
Like other vinegars, balsamic vinegar is very sharp in flavor.It’s tart with an underlying sweetness that comes out especially when balsamic vinegar is cooked down a bit.
There’s a fruity, wine-like quality to this kind of vinegar as well, though it’s very subtle.Mostly, balsamic vinegar is wonderfully tangy.
Balsamic Vinegar Texture
The texture of balsamic vinegar is slightly thicker than white or apple cider vinegar.It can easily be made into a super thick reduction when simmered in a pot on the stove.
Balsamic vinegar is smooth and rich, and the syrupy texture is nicely velvety.The longer balsamic vinegar has been aged, the more velvety it will be.
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What Do You Eat Balsamic Vinegar With?
The most famous way to eat balsamic vinegar is on top of salads. You can drizzle it on with olive oil, or you can make a tasty vinaigrette with oil, balsamic vinegar, grainy mustard and sweetener.
Plenty of savory and sweet foods are topped with balsamic vinegar, including vegan pizza, fruit-based desserts and even cocktails. It’s a strong flavor that contrasts well with sweet foods in particular.
Does White Balsamic Vinegar Taste Different?
Though the familiar dark balsamic vinegar is similar to white balsamic vinegar, it does retain some differences, mainly in its sweetness.Dark balsamic vinegar is caramelized and aged in casks made of different types of wood to develop the sweet and varied flavors.
White balsamic vinegar, which does not undergo the long aging process that dark balsamic vinegar does, is not particularly sweet, and it’s less thick.Still, the flavor differences are very subtle.
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What Can I Use Instead of Balsamic Vinegar?
Other vinegars are usually the best way to go when substituting for balsamic vinegar.Each type of vinegar will lend a different flavor, so keep that in mind—white vinegar is probably the least likely candidate to fill in for balsamic vinegar as it does not have any fruit or wine flavors.
Red wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar do nicely in place of balsamic.Red wine vinegar is far more tart while apple cider vinegar will produce a tangy, apple-like taste.Sprinkle in a touch of sugar to get the missing sweetness of balsamic.
Balsamic Vinegar Serving Tips
If you’re envisioning how you’ll use balsamic vinegar in the future, we can give you some tips.
Here’s a way to take your brussel sprouts to another level.You’ll see how to make balsamic glazed brussel sprouts with some fresh sprouts, balsamic vinegar, liquid sweetener of your choice, garlic powder and onion powder.
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This video will show you how to make baked sweet potatoes with balsamic glaze.They’re very easy to make—you just need sweet potatoes, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, onion powder, garlic powder, salt and nutritional yeast.
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Let’s talk desserts.With this video, you’ll learn how to make vegan balsamic plum ice cream.Sounds incredible, doesn’t it?In addition to balsamic vinegar and a blender, you’ll need plums, maple syrup, tapioca powder, cashews, vegan yogurt, vanilla, cardamom and salt.
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Wrap Up
Balsamic vinegar is tangy, but it’s different from other vinegars in that it’s slightly sweet and fruity.Adding some balsamic vinegar to sweet foods and desserts is a delicious way to vary flavors and complement the sweetness in both the balsamic vinegar and your desserts—even vegan ice cream.
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Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!