Pears are fruits that are produced on Pyrus trees. There are approximately 3,000 types of pears, each one varying in shape, size, and taste.
Pears are mainly eaten raw, canned, or used as dry ingredients in a variety of dishes and are consumed by cultures all over the world.
Pear trees originated from Asia, North Africa, and Europe. Interestingly, the wood from the pear tree is highly sought-after as a raw material for the manufacturing of high-quality furniture and fine instruments of the woodwind family.
But, let’s get right to the question at hand; are pears considered a stone fruit?
Quick Answer: No, pears are not considered stone fruit. There is no stone that needs removing from pears.
Are Pears Stones Freestone or Clingstone?
Pears are neither freestone nor clingstone, they are pomes; they have an ovary at their core rather than a stone. That means while they do have some small amount of seeds, they are small and edible, unlike stones found in drupes (stone fruit).
For argument’s sake, if pears did have stones, it is safe to suffice that they would be freestone, due to the consistency of the fruit’s flesh, and the ease at which their seeds are removed. With a knife, you could effortlessly cut the fruit in half and pop the stone right out.
Similar Stone Fruits
- Peaches are stone fruits that are often somewhat similar to pears in taste and consistency (depending on the variety)
- Mangos are another stone fruit that is similar to pears, but only certain cultivars and varieties
- Apricots are similar to all of the above stone fruits and relate to pears in the same fashion (though it is the least like pear out mangos, peaches, and apricots)

Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!