Are you here looking for tree names that begin with “O”? Look no further. We have listed all of them here, along with a brief description. Read on to learn more.
1. Oak
This shrub which belongs to the beech family, Fagaceae, consists of 500 species that are native to the Northern Hemisphere. The tree has spiraled leaves and bears a fruit called acorn, both of which contain tannins that serve as shield among insects. The wood has great strength and hardiness and pleasant grains making it popularly in the construction of ships and furniture.
2. Olive
Olea europaea or olive tree is an evergreen tree native to Mediterranean Europe, Asia, and Africa. IIt has oblong greyish leaves, white flowers. The tree is commonly cultivated for its essential oil, fruit, and its excellent wood. The wood, being hard and durable, makes it excellent in wood carving, wooden kitchen utensils, furniture, and decorations. Due to its importance, the wood and its products are considered very expensive.
3. Oysterwood
Gymnanthes lucida or oysterwood is a small, evergreen, flowering tree, in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. Reported as the only eared base leaves in Florida where it is native. It grows in a straight, single trunk and narrow crown. It is generally grown as a landscape plant.
4. Orange
Citrus sinensis includes commonly cultivated sweet oranges like navel oranges and blood oranges, which fruit and peel are of the same importance in agriculture. The leaves are used to make tea, while the wood sticks are used to make tools for nail cleaning and for electronic use tools.
5. Oleander
Oleander or Nerium is a small tree belonging to the family Apocynaceae. It is mainly planted as an ornamental and landscaping plant. Its origin is unclear since it is widely cultivated, although some botanists attribute its origin to the Mediterranean Basin. It has an extremely bitter and unpleasant taste which has been reported to be poisonous.
6. Oleaster
This thorny wild olive is believed to be native to western and central Asia. The tree has alternate leaves, fragrant flowers, and cherry-like fruit which are sweet and edible though dry and mealy in flavor. The fruit is one of the seven items used in table setting in the Iranian New Year.
7. Osage Orange
This small deciduous tree has multiple fruits. Despite its name, it is not related to oranges. Instead, it is a member of the mulberry family Moraceae. The woody fruit secretes latex which makes it inedible for humans and rarely used as animal food. The woods being heavy and close-grained makes it ideal for tool handles, fence, post, and other materials that require stable and rot-resistant wood.
8. Orchid Tree
Bauhinia Variegata is a flowering plant, commonly known as orchid tree, although it doesn’t belong to the family Orchidaceae, rather it is under the legume family, Fabaceae. This medium-sized deciduous tree is popular as an ornamental tree. The buds are edible and are used as an ingredient in various recipes in Indian and Pakistan cuisines.
9. Orange Jasmine
Murraya paniculata is a small tree that is more commonly known as orange jasmine. Botanically, it belongs to the family Rutaceae. It is described to have smooth bark, feather-like leaves, and red-orange fruits with seeds described to be hairy. It is primarily used as an ornamental tree or in fence-making because of its hardiness.
Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!