Eating healthily can be expensive. Unless you get amazing deals or know how to shop smart, paying for fresh fruits and veggies seems harder than just stopping by a restaurant.
If you’re a pear fan, you may catch yourself wondering occasionally why pears are so expensive. Our mission in this post to answer that question and a little extra for you.
We’ll be talking about the prices of pears, comparing the cost with other fruits, and explaining what things make a fruit cost more.
Quick Answer: Why are Pears so Expensive?
While the cost of pears is higher than some fruits, such as oranges, their price is actually pretty average. When compared with a few other common fruits, they tend to be in middle of the spectrum in cost.
Shortages and demand are the greatest reasons behind a higher cost. If something isn’t as easy to grow, or there’s a huge demand for it, it will usually cost more.
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The Average Cost of Pears Compared with Other Fruits
We decided to compare the cost of pears with a few other popular fruits to see how they hold up. To do this, we used the United States Department of Agriculture’s site.
The fruits we chose to compare (or should we say compear?) pears to are apricots, apples, oranges, and plums. So how did pears hold up when compared to these other fruits?
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According to the USDA, pears cost an average of $1.52 per pound. This puts them in a solid middle position.
The most expensive fruits in our comparison are apricots, which cost $3.09 per pound fresh. They’re followed by plums, which cost $1.99 a pound.
The cheapest fruits in the comparison were oranges, which averaged $1.10.
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Factors that Contribute to Cost
Let’s take a look at what makes some fruits cost more than others. That way, you’ll have an understanding of what’s behind the price tag you see in the grocery store.
If there’s a shortage for any reason, the price of the produce will rise. Shortages can be caused by many different things, including droughts, diseases, and pests.
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Some types of plants with extremely specific growing conditions are also more expensive. This is because they can’t be grown everywhere, so farmers can’t produce as much as with other crops that are more flexible.
Finally, demand factors in to the price. The more we want something, the more it’s consumed, and the less there is of it to go around. When that happens, the price of the available produce climbs up.
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Wrap Up
When compared directly with the prices of other fruits, pears aren’t necessarily so expensive. However, this doesn’t mean that the prices of pears doesn’t fluctuate with time.
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Like with other produce, the cost of pears will rise and fall periodically. This is because of natural shortages and changes in demand for them.
Want to learn more about this delicious fruit? Take a look at our post on why pears are called pears.You Might Also Like: Why Is Arugula So Expensive?
Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!