Tofu vs Eggs: Comprehensive Comparison for Nutrition Seekers

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When it comes to getting your daily dose of protein, both tofu and eggs are popular choices. But which one is the better option? In this article, we’ll compare tofu and eggs to help you make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

tofu vs eggs

Tofu Vs Eggs: Nutritional Comparison

Protein Content

Tofu and eggs are both good sources of protein. However, there are some differences in the amounts and types of protein they provide. Tofu, made from soybeans, is a complete protein, containing all essential amino acids the body can’t make on its own1. A 100g serving of tofu contains around 8g of protein2. On the other hand, eggs are also a complete protein source, containing all essential amino acids. A 100g serving of eggs, which is about two medium-sized eggs, contains approximately 12.8g of protein3.

Fat Content

The fat content of tofu and eggs also varies. Tofu scramble has more polyunsaturated fats, known as “good” fats, and less saturated fat4. A 100g serving of tofu contains roughly 4.8g of fat, with 0.7g being saturated fats2. Eggs, in contrast, have a higher overall fat content. A 100g serving of eggs consists of about 9.2g of fat, with 2.6g being saturated fats3.


Calorie-wise, tofu is generally lower in calories compared to eggs. A 100g serving of tofu has about 76 calories, while the same serving size of eggs contains around 132 calories23.

Vitamins and Minerals

Both tofu and eggs offer various vitamins and minerals. Tofu is higher in Calcium, Manganese, and Iron5. It is also a good source of vitamin B and calcium1. Meanwhile, eggs are higher in Copper, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, Selenium, and Vitamin D5.


Eggs contain cholesterol, while tofu does not4. A 100g serving of eggs has approximately 372mg of cholesterol, whereas tofu contains zero cholesterol due to its plant-based origin26. This difference could be significant for individuals trying to manage their cholesterol levels.

Carbs and Sugar

Tofu and eggs are both low in carbohydrates and sugar. A 100g serving of tofu contains around 1.9g of carbohydrates and 0.6g of sugar2. In comparison, a 100g serving of eggs contains around 0.4g of carbohydrates and almost no sugar6.

In summary, tofu and eggs provide different levels of nutrients, catering to various dietary needs and preferences. Tofu is lower in calories, saturated fats, and cholesterol, while it is higher in certain minerals. Eggs, conversely, provide more protein, vitamins, and overall fat content.


  1. Good Morning America 2
  2. Food Struct 2 3 4 5
  3. Women’s Health 2 3
  4. VegFAQs 2
  5. Food Struct 2
  6. Kindster 2

Health Benefits

Advantages of Tofu

Tofu, made from soybean curds, is a great source of protein, especially for vegetarians and vegans. It contains all the essential amino acids your body needs to function properly, making it a complete protein source. Besides protein, tofu is also high in calcium and manganese, which contribute to bone health. Additionally, it contains notable amounts of iron, supporting healthy blood circulation and oxygen transport throughout the body (source).

Although tofu is a good source of healthy fats, it is also low in saturated fat and free of cholesterol. This makes tofu a heart-healthy food option. Moreover, it can be a beneficial addition to any diet because of its well-rounded nutritional profile, containing valuable vitamins and minerals.

Tofu is also rich in isoflavones, which have been linked to a lower risk of several age- and lifestyle-related conditions (source). These plant-based compounds can support overall health and help maintain a healthy weight.

Some of the key nutrients found in tofu include:

  • Protein
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Iron
  • Monounsaturated fat
  • Polyunsaturated fat
  • Folate
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin A
  • Selenium

Advantages of Eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of nutrients, including high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. Like tofu, they also provide all essential amino acids, making them a complete protein source. Eggs are particularly rich in vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B12, D, and the mineral selenium (source).

One of the biggest advantages of eggs is their high vitamin D content, which is essential for maintaining strong bones, teeth, and supporting immune function. Furthermore, eggs are high in healthy fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat, which can positively influence heart health.

Eggs also boast significant amounts of choline, an essential nutrient for brain health, and they are a great source of the pigment lutein, which is vital for eye health.

Here are some primary nutrients found in eggs:

  • Protein
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D
  • Selenium
  • Monounsaturated fat
  • Polyunsaturated fat
  • Choline
  • Lutein

In conclusion, both tofu and eggs have their respective health benefits, making them nutritionally rich options for different dietary preferences. Including tofu and/or eggs in a balanced diet can contribute to overall health and offer a variety of essential nutrients.

Concerns and Controversies

Saturated Fat and Cholesterol

Tofu and eggs differ in their nutritional profiles regarding saturated fat and cholesterol. When comparing tofu scramble to scrambled eggs, one may notice that tofu has more polyunsaturated fats, which are usually considered “good” fats, and less saturated fat1. Meanwhile, eggs contain cholesterol1. Current research indicates that dietary cholesterol and saturated fat may not be harmful in reasonable amounts, but this topic remains controversial.

Estrogen and Soy

One concern surrounding tofu, which is made from soy, is the presence of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plant compounds that can mimic the hormone estrogen in the human body. Some people worry that consuming soy products, like tofu, could lead to hormonal imbalances, particularly in men. However, multiple studies demonstrate that moderate soy consumption does not adversely affect hormone levels or fertility in men2. While the research is ongoing, it generally shows that moderate consumption of soy is safe for most people.


Another difference between tofu and eggs pertains to allergens. Eggs are among the top eight allergens, and an egg allergy is particularly common in children3. So, switching to tofu as a substitute could be a suitable alternative for those with egg allergies. On the other hand, soy is also a common allergen4. Some people with soy allergies may experience symptoms ranging from mild to severe, including hives, digestive upset, and, in rare cases, anaphylaxis5. Therefore, individuals who are allergic to soy may need to avoid products made from soy, like tofu.

To conclude, the decision between tofu and eggs ultimately depends on one’s dietary preferences, nutritional requirements, and potential allergies. Knowing the facts about these two protein sources’ concerns and controversies can guide individuals in making choices that suit their specific needs and health goals.


  1. VegFAQs 2
  2. Healthline
  3. AAAAI
  4. AAAAI
  5. Mayo Clinic

Tofu and Egg Variations and Recipes

In this section, we will explore various recipes and variations of tofu and eggs, specifically focusing on tofu scramble, scrambled eggs, omelet, sandwich, and salad options. We will also discuss the differences in taste and seasonings used for each dish.

Tofu Scramble

Tofu scramble is a popular vegan alternative to scrambled eggs, typically made with firm tofu which is crumbled and cooked with different seasonings and vegetables, like onion. The key to achieving a flavorful tofu scramble lies in using a mix of spices and seasonings that mimic the taste and texture of scrambled eggs, such as turmeric for color, nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor, and black salt for an egg-like taste.

A basic tofu scramble can be prepared by sautéing onions and other veggies, then adding crumbled firm tofu, along with the spices and seasonings. Cook until the tofu is warmed through and the flavors have combined (source). This can be served as a main dish, or as a filling for sandwiches or wraps.

Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are a classic, simple dish made of beaten eggs cooked in a pan with a small amount of oil or butter, and often seasoned with salt and pepper. The eggs are stirred in the pan while cooking, creating small and soft curds. Various ingredients, such as cheese, herbs, and vegetables can be added to enhance the flavor or create a more substantial meal (source).


An omelet is a more elaborate egg dish, made by whisking eggs and pouring them into a heated pan with a small amount of oil or butter. Fillings such as cheese, vegetables, and meat are commonly added to the center of the eggs before they are folded over to enclose the fillings. Tofu can also be used in an omelet, either as a substitute for eggs or as an additional filling.

Sandwich Options

Both tofu and eggs offer several sandwich options, as they can be used as the main filling or as a complementary ingredient. Tofu can be sliced and added to sandwiches in various ways, such as marinated and grilled, pan-fried, or mixed into a salad-like mixture to create a vegan “egg” salad (source). Scrambled eggs or an omelet can be used as the main filling for a breakfast sandwich, while a simple fried egg can be added to a variety of sandwiches for extra flavor and protein.

Salad Options

Salad options are versatile with both tofu and eggs as ingredients. Firm tofu can be marinated, baked, or pan-fried and added to a variety of salads, such as mixed greens, grain-based salads, or Asian-inspired salads. Boiled eggs can be sliced and added to salads as well or used in traditional egg salads, potato salads, and pasta salads.

Additional Considerations

Cost and Availability

Both tofu and eggs are widely available and can be found in most grocery stores. Tofu, made from soybeans, comes in various forms and textures, such as soft, firm, and extra-firm1. Eggs are usually sold by the dozen and can be found in many varieties, such as organic, cage-free, or free-range.

The cost of tofu and eggs can vary depending on factors such as location, season, and the quality of the product. In general, tofu can be more affordable than eggs, especially when considering the price per protein gram2.

Environmental Impact

When comparing the environmental impact of tofu and eggs, tofu is generally considered to have a lower impact on the environment. Soybeans require less land, water, and resources to produce than eggs, which are typically sourced from chickens that require feed, space, and water3. Additionally, the production of tofu generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions as compared to egg production.

However, it is crucial to consider the environmental practices used in soybean farming, as some producers may use deforestation or monoculture practices, which can have detrimental effects on the environment. In contrast, some egg producers may use sustainable, regenerative agriculture techniques.

Culinary Versatility

Both tofu and eggs provide diverse culinary options. Tofu can be marinated, grilled, stir-fried, or used in soups4. It can be crumbled and seasoned as a vegan alternative to scrambled eggs5. Tofu can also be used as a protein-rich ingredient in smoothies or as a base for vegan desserts.

Eggs are similarly versatile, as they can be prepared in various ways, such as scrambled, fried, poached, or baked. Eggs are also key ingredients in an array of recipes, such as omelets, quiches, pasta, cakes, and pastries.

In terms of nutritional differences, eggs are higher in Copper, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, Selenium, and Vitamin D, while tofu is higher in Calcium, Manganese, and Iron6. However, they both provide a good amount of protein.

To summarize, both tofu and eggs have their unique advantages in terms of cost, availability, environmental impact, and culinary versatility. It ultimately depends on an individual’s dietary preferences, budget, and environmental concerns when choosing between these two protein sources.


  1. Bon Appétit
  2. VegFAQs
  3. Difference Between
  4. Bon Appétit
  5. Women’s Health
  6. Food Struct

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