Are Prunes a Stone Fruit? (EXPLAINED)

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Are Prunes a Stone Fruit?

Prunes, or dried plums, are a common firm-fleshed fruit consumed just about everywhere in the world, whether for a snack, as an ingredient, or for more personal “dietary” issues (IE: they help relieve constipation).

However, not all plums have what it takes to make it through the drying stage (only plums that don’t ferment during the drying stage become prunes). So, sadly, not all plums are born to become prunes.

Once a plum does become a plum, it is an excellent source of Vitamins (B and K) as well as fiber full of carbohydrates and a bit of protein.

But, the real question here is: are prunes considered a stone fruit?

Quick Answer: Yes prunes are considered a stone fruit. Because they are thin-skinned and consist of a fleshy interior with a singular large hard seed (a stone), prunes qualify for classification as stone fruit.

Are Prune Stones Freestone or Clingstone?

The majority of prunes’ stones are considered freestones because the seeds are easy to remove most of the time. That said, if eaten as fresh plums (prunes before drying), they are most often considered clingstones because the pits don’t come away from the fruit easily.

Similar Stone Fruits

  • Apricots are somewhat like prunes in that they are delicious and nutritious raw or dried, they have a similar texture when dried, and may also be freestone or clingstone
  • Dates are another stone fruit that is similar to both prunes and apricots in that it is a freestone fruit that and is best eaten dried
  • Peaches are also a lot like prunes in that they may be both freestone and clingstone as well as eaten fresh, dry, or as an ingredient in other various types of foods
  • Plums are the most similar stone fruit to prunes because prunes are actually just dried plums

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