Are Nectarines a Stone Fruit? (EXPLAINED)

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Are Nectarines a Stone Fruit

Nectarines, scientifically known as P. Perica var. Nucipersica, or var. Nectarina, are extremely similar to Peaches (as they are related). They are even called “fuzzless peaches” and “shaved peaches” due to the lack of hair typically found on peach cultivars.

Nectarines can be yellow or white and are on average sweeter than peaches. They are also smaller than peaches. It isn’t uncommon for bud sports to produce nectarines from time to time on peach trees.

That said, the real question is: are nectarines considered a stone fruit?”

Quick Answer: Yes, nectarine is considered a stone fruit. It has thin skin (oddly like plum skin) and a juicy and flesh-filled interior with a large central stone that needs removing.

Are Nectarines Stones Freestone or Clingstone?

Nectarines come in many shapes, sizes, and tastes. Likewise, they may be freestone, with easy-to-remove pits, or clingstone, with flesh and pulp clinging to the seed making it harder to remove.

For that reason, take extra care to inquire to whether pear trees you buy will produce freestone or clingstone fruits. Likewise, you may like to know which type you are putting in your cart at the grocery store.

Similar Stone Fruits

  • Peaches are the most similar stone fruit to nectarines, as peaches are related to nectarines (they share the same genus) and have similar shape, consistency, and stones
  • Plums and peaches were once believed to be the parents of the nectarines, which is not true (though nectarine skin can be compared to plum skin more so than traditional peach skin)
  • Apricots are a small and tasty stone fruit that can be rather similar to nectarines in shape, size, color, and stone size (though not in taste)

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