Do Pineapples Continue to Ripen After Being Picked? (EXPLAINED)

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Do Pineapples Continue to Ripen After Being Picked

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that belongs to the Bromeliaceae family. Up until the last couple of centuries, the fruit was an icon of luxury status. 

In terms of world fruit production, pineapple is the third most important fruit. Brazil, Costa Rica, and the Phillippines grow the most pineapples. 

The fruits themselves grow from small shrubs, the fruit comes from side shoots that take approximately a year to mature.

But, do they continue to fruit after being picked?

Do Pineapples Ripen After Being Picked?

Like watermelon, and a few other fruits, pineapples don’t naturally ripen after being picked. That means, when you pick a green pineapple or buy one for that matter, it is not going to turn yellow while sitting on the kitchen counter.

That said they will become juicier and softer with time, sitting on the counter or fruit drawer, but not sweeter or riper.

How Do You Ripen a Pineapple?

Though it won’t ripen naturally, there are ways to ripen an unripe pineapple. The most common method is placing the fruit in a paper bag and setting it somewhere at room temperature for a few days. 

The fruit may ripen even faster (inside the paper bag) if you throw in an apple or banana with it. That’s because both fruits produce ethylene, a hormone that quickens the ripening process of most fruit.

How to Tell if a Pineapple is Ripe?

The exterior of the pineapple is the best bet for telling if it is ripe or not. If it is still green, it is not ripe yet, period. If it is turning yellow, it is almost ripe. Pineapples that are mostly yellow are fully ripe. If the pineapple has already turned dark yellow (or orange) it is beyond ripe and is likely beginning to rot.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Pineapples?

Pineapples contain a large amount of Vitamin C, and Manganese, which promotes a strong immune system as well as healthy bones. Further, pineapples are helpful in weight loss, digestion, fighting diseases, and even combating cancer.

What Are the Drawbacks of Eating Too Much Pineapple?

Too much of any good thing is, well, bad. The same goes for eating pineapple. A bit of pineapple, even on a daily basis is good for your health, no doubt.

However, an entire pineapple a day, every day, depending on the rest of your diet and exercise may become a negative factor on your health rather than a positive one. Vomiting, nausea, heartburn, and diarrhea are signs that you eating just a little too much pineapple from day to day.