Does Red Wine Have Quercetin? (EXPLAINED)

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Does red wine have Quercetin?

A nice bottle of red wine can elevate a good meal to a great one or be enjoyed on its own merits. Whether your taste runs to ruby port or mouth-puckering chianti, there is joy to be found in the fruit of the vine. Rarely though, do you see red wine’s medicinal properties explored. In this article, we will answer the question: does red wine have quercetin?

Quick Answer: Yes – Red wine does contain quercetin. Compared to other similar foods, its quercetin content is reasonably high.

Quercetin Content of Red Wine

Red wine can contain 1.9mg/100ml of quercetin and is a rich source of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin K.

Is Red Wine High in Quercetin?

Compared to other foods, red wine is moderately high in quercetin.

Let’s take a look at how it compares to 5 similar foods.

  • Grape juice comes nowhere near the quercetin content of red wine, offering only 0.72mg/100ml.
  • Red wine vinegar contains no quercetin, creating a no-contest comparison.
  • Red grapes provide 1.04mg/100g of quercetin content, slightly less than red wine.
  • Hard apple cider has a quercetin concentration of 0.48mg/100ml, leaving it far behind red wine.
  • Cranberry juice cocktail is higher in quercetin than red wine with 2.20mg/100ml.


Oxford University, ‘The Journal of Nutrition “Red Wine Is a Poor Source of Bioavailable Flavonols in Men“:

USDA Database for the Flavonoid Content of Selected Foods:

Vino Vest, “Red Wine Nutrition (Calories, Ingredients, Health Benefits)“: