Do Almonds Have Quercetin? (EXPLAINED)

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Do almonds have Quercetin?

Almonds are a nutrient-dense food that is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease and possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. You should use caution, though, when eating them because too many can lead to vitamin E overdose. In this article, we will look at, do almonds have quercetin.

Quick Answer: Yes – Almonds do contain quercetin. Compared to other similar foods, their quercetin content is high.

Quercetin Content of Almonds

Almonds offer 0.36 milligrams of quercetin in a 100-gram serving and are a rich source of vitamin E, copper, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. 

Are Almonds High in Quercetin?

Compared to other similar foods, almonds are reasonably high in quercetin.

Let’s take a look at how they compare to 5 similar foods.

  • Pecans contain no quercetin making them no competition for almonds.
  • Brazil Nuts offer no quercetin, much less than almonds.
  • Pistachios are higher in quercetin than almonds providing 400 percent more flavonoid content.
  • Raw chia seeds dwarf almonds in quercetin content with over 50 times higher levels per gram.
  • Cashews are no competition for almonds as they contain no quercetin.


USDA Database for the Flavonoid Content of Selected Foods: 

Harvard School of Public Health: