Looking for some vegan miso soup packets
You’re in the right place!
We’ve selected 5 of the top brands of vegan miso soup you can enjoy in an instant!
Let’s get to the list…
Don’t have time to read? Here’s a quick summary of the products we recommend.
Product Name | Grade |
Tsubi Miso Soup | A |
McDougal Miso Ramen Noodle Soup | A |
Edward and Son’s Organic Miso Cup | A |
Miyasaka Instant Miso Soup (Vegetarian) | A |
Edward and Sons Miso Cup | B+ |
Vegan Miso Soup Packets
1. Tsubi Miso Soup
Tsubi Soup’s white miso is a packet you add to any mug or small bowl.
Best known for The Starch Solution, Dr. McDougall also has a line of vegan soups (including miso), widely available online and in grocery stores.
Check out this vegan starter kit
3. Edward and Son’s Organic Miso Cup
Edward and Son’s makes a traditional miso soup packet that’s super easy to make.
4. Miyasaka Instant Miso Soup (Vegetarian)
Miyasaka Instant Miso soup is another version of a freeze-dried miso cube that has tofu, seaweed, and green onion built right into it.
I brought this miso soup to lunch for a while; my only criticism is that there should be more tofu. Miyasaka’s is an excellent pick if you’re looking for something simple, light, and traditional.
The Miso Cup by Edward and Son’s has one of the most simple ingredient statements are on this list.
Now that you’ve got the miso soup down, how about the California rolls?
Check out: Vegan Substitutes for Imitation Crab
Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!
Want to take all of the guess-work around going vegan?
Click here to check out the Vegan Starter Kit.