35 Fruits that Start with P

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fruits that start with p

Are you trying to find as many fruits that start with P as possible? There are quite a few out there, so we were able to pull together a large list of p fruits. Scroll down to learn more about each of the fruits we found. We’ll cover common ones that start with p along with other fruits you may not have heard of.

1. Pacific Rose Apple

pacific rose apple

When it comes to taste, the Pacific Rose apple is very comparable to the Fuji apple. It has a sweet flavor and lacks the acidity of many other apple cultivars, which means it’s an excellent snack for anyone with a sweet tooth.

Read Also: What are the Sweetest and Juiciest Apples?

2. Palestinian Sweet Lime

Palestinian sweet lime

Have you ever wished that limes were a little less sour? Then you might want to give the Palestinian sweet lime a try. True to its name, it’s far less acidic than many lime alternatives. People tend to describe them as having a sweet and tangy flavor.

If you’ve ever wondered where the acidity comes from, you can read our post about why lemons and limes are sour.

3. Papaya


Experts believe that the bright orange papaya came from Central America. You can eat raw if it’s ripe, but if it’s unripe, you’ll need to cook it if you want to eat it. Unripe papayas can be poisonous if they’re uncooked.

Today papaya is one of the most popular p fruits.

Read Also: What Does a Papaya Taste Like?

4. Parsonage Pear

Parsonage pear

The Parsonage pear has existed for over a hundred years, first grown in the 1800’s. It’s a particularly large and flavorful pear and the fruit’s texture can be described as gritty.

5. Passion Fruit

passion fruit cut open

Passion fruit is a type of berry coming from South America. This fruit is present all over the world and is therefore used in countless different ways. You might find passion fruit in green tea, juice, or even salads.

6. Paw Paw Fruit

paw paw fruit

The Paw Paw tree can be found growing in the US and Canada. Its green and brown fruits are described as having a sweet flavor reminiscent of bananas. It’s one of the few p fruits that are native to this region.

7. Peach

peach wedges

If you’re craving a fruit that’s as juicy as can be, a peach is probably your best choice. Most of the world’s peaches come from China, but you can also find these P fruits in Georgia.

Want to keep your peaches fresh-tasting for as long as possible? Here’s how to freeze peaches.

8. Pear


There are numerous kinds of pear trees, and many of them are grown for their famously delicious fruits. You can eat pears in many ways, including fresh, canned, or dried. It’s one of the most versatile fruits on the planet and can be paired with almost any other fruits you can think of.

Related Article: What are the Juiciest Pears?

9. Pequi


Pequi is a common fruit in some parts of Brazil and South America. These fruits take up to half a year to fully ripen, eventually ending up about as large as an orange.

10. Persian Lime

Persian limes

When most people imagine limes, what they picture is a specific kind called the Persian lime. The majority of limes in the world are Persian limes. They are also some of the juiciest limes available.

11. Persimmon


Around the world, the most common types of persimmon are Asian or Japanese. When it’s fully mature, the fruit somewhat resembles a tomato, although it tastes sweet.

12. Petit Rouge Grape

petit rouge grapes

There is an extremely large number of grape types in the world! This likely has to do with the fact that grapes are used to make wine. Petit Rouge is a type of grape that is also used to make wine.

13. Phalsa Fruit


Phalsa fruit is grown almost entirely for its fruit, which is both sweet and sour. Other parts of the plant, such as the root, also have traditional medicinal uses.

14. Pigeonplum

pigeon plum

Pigeonplum trees tend to come from tropical fruit regions, including some parts of Florida and Central America. They grow an edible purple fruit.

15. Pili Fruit

pili fruit

The plants Pili fruits come from are more well-known for their nuts, which are common in the Philippines. Although the nuts are more popular, the pulp from the fruit is also edible.

16. Pineapple

pineapple slices

Most people imagine the popular tropical pineapple as growing on a tree. Surprisingly, this is wrong – pineapples actually grow from the ground!

17. Pineberry


Pineberries are a specific type of strawberry. Rather than being a vivid red, however, pineberries are almost completely white with small red seeds on them. Some say they taste like pineapples.

18. Pink Pearl Apple

pink pearl apple

Pink Pearl apples have an incredibly fitting name. If you slice them open, you’ll find that they have a soft pink flesh rather than the cream color most people are used to seeing in apples.

19. Pinot Noir Grape

pinot noir grape

Pinot Noir grapes are a kind of grape commonly used to make wine. Their name is French, but you can find them growing all around the world these days.

20. Pinova Apple

pinova apple

Grown commercially all over Europe now, the Pinova apple originally came from Germany. If you’re looking for it in the US, it is sometimes sold under the brand name Pinata.

21. Pitaya


One of pitaya’s other names, dragon fruit, is perhaps more well-known. This pink and green fruit is grown most commonly in Asia or Florida. Most people use it to flavor various drinks.

22. Plantain


The word “plantain” can refer to a few different types of fruits. One of the more common things it refers to is cooking bananas, which are bananas used in cooking a variety of dishes.

However, it can also refer to true plantains. True plantains are a type of banana.

23. Plum

plums in bowl

Plums are fruits with pits in the center. Some think they are among the first fruits grown by people. There are many different plums from various regions including Japanese plums and European plums.

24. Plumcot


The name may sound a little silly, but plumcots have been around for hundreds of years. You’ll find them growing in places that have both plums and apricots.

25. Pluot


Pluots, like plumcots, are a hybrid fruit descending from plums. They closely resemble their plum parents.

26. Poha Berry

poha berry

Poha berries are sometimes called goldenberries. They come from Chile and Peru, but are sold all over South America. It’s a popular ingredient in chutney and fruit salad.

27. Pomato

You might be able to better guess what the pomato is if you hear its other name, tomtato. It is a grafted combination of a tomato and potato plant. The top grows tomatoes and the roots result in potatoes.

28. Pomegranate


Split the pomegranate open, and you’ll reveal juicy seeds that looks like gemstones. It is these seeds that get eaten, as the pulp is inedible. Pomegranate juice is commonly used to make beverages.

29. Pomelo


Pomelo is a kind of citrus fruit. It tastes similar to a grapefruit and is popular in some Asian countries. If you see it in the grocery store you might confuse it for other fruits. 

30. Ponderosa Lemon

panderosa lemon

Ponderosa lemons are a hybrid fruit of pomelos and citrons. They’re not really grown on a commercial scale, but they are often grown as ornamental plants.

31. Ponkan


Ponkan is also a type of citrus. It combines mandarin and pomelo and is a hybrid fruit. Nowadays, you can find them in Brazil, China, Japan, and the US. It’s among the tastiest citrus fruits you can try.

32. Prickly Pear

prickly pear

A cactus might not look like something you’d want to eat, but the prickly pear fruit does indeed come from one. Many people eat the fruit raw, which has a ton of vitamin C in it.

33. Prune

prunes in bowl

Prunes are not actually a unique type of fruit. They are dried plums, and some sellers prefer to call them that due to the reputation prunes have for being laxatives.

34. Pulasan

pulasan peeled

Pulasan is a type of soapberry. Many people mistake it for rambutans, although pulasan is significantly sweeter in flavor.

35. Purple Mangosteen

purple mangosteen

Purple mangosteen is a dark purple-colored fruit that comes from Southeast Asia. It was illegal to import this fruit to the US up until 2007 because of Asian fruit flies that targeted it.

Fruits that Start with P