40+ Fruits that Start with B

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40+ Fruits that Start with B

If you’re looking for fruits that start with B, your search is over. We’ve pulled together this huge list of fruits, all of which start with the letter “B.”

1. Babaco


To imagine accurately what babaco looks like, picture a small bunch of bananas that has fused together. While the babaco fruit itself is not very acidic, it is capable of causing irritation and slight burns due to the fact it has papain in it.

Those who have eaten it say it tastes like a blend of strawberry and pineapple.

2. Bacuri Fruit

Bacuri Fruit

The bacuri fruit almost looks like a smooth coconut. It’s most commonly used to make various condiments, although its seeds are also sometimes used as a homemade treatment for some skin problems.

3. Bael


Bael’s origins lie in some Asian countries, where it is used to make candy and sometimes a drink like lemonade. Interestingly, the bael tree is sacred to Hindu people.

4. Banana


Bananas might just be one of the most popular fruits in the western hemisphere. You can find them in virtually any grocery store. Make them into a delicious bread or use them to top a decadent vegan sundae.

You can read our discussion on where bananas are grown for more information on this popular yellow fruit.

Also Read: Where are Bananas Grown?

5. Barbadine


Barbadine is the name for a fruit that’s sometimes also called sweet granadilla. It resembles an orange, if oranges had perfectly smooth skin.

This fruit comes from South America – more specifically, the region around the Andes Mountains. People who eat barbadine eat the pulp, which has a delicately sweet flavor.

6. Barbados Cherry

Barbados Cherry

The Barbados cherry is packed full of vitamin C, so it’s the perfect fruit to eat if you’re looking to give your immune system a bit of a boost. They’re extremely juicy and sour, though, so they might not be everyone’s cup of tea.

7. Barberry


Barberry has grown wild in Europe and some regions of Asia, but also has some types that are native to North America and Africa. Just like the Barbados cherry, they’re filled with vitamin C…and a really acidic taste.

8. Batuan


The formal name for the tree the batuan fruit grows on is garcinia morella. You can eat the fruits on the tree, but be warned – they are incredibly acidic and may be too sour for quite a few people. Some use this acidic fruit to make chutney.

9. Beach Plum

Beach Plum

Beach plum is probably named due to the fact that it likes to grow in sandy dunes, such as what you might find on a beach. You can take the fruits growing on it and make a tasty jam.

Nowadays, it’s considered an endangered species in some places, like Maine.

10. Bearberry


Bearberry is a fruit that has a funny-sounding name if you say it out loud. The name is incredibly fitting, though, because these berries are beloved by bears.

People can eat them raw, as well.

11. Beechnut


Beechnut is a kind of tree that comes from all over the world. It produces edible fruits, but people most often eat the nuts of the tree. The fruits have a bitter taste.

12. Betel Nut

Betel Nut

Betel nut comes from the areca palm tree. The nuts are the seeds of the tree’s berries and are edible dried or raw. People do not commonly eat the fruits.

13. Bignay


The odd thing about bignay fruits is that they grow in bunches, but each individual fruit ripens at its own pace. Because of this, you’ll find clusters of these fruits that come in different colors.

The fruits are often made into wine. However, you can use bignay to make a sour jam or jelly, too.

14. Bilberry


You can picture bilberries as resembling blueberries, if blueberries had a brighter blue color. These beautiful berries are perfect for jams and pies. Some places even use them to add flavor to crepes.

15. Bilimbi


Bilimbi trees originally come from Indonesia and Malaysia. Currently, they are cultivated in a range of Asian countries, as well as Zanzibar.

Their sour flavor is ideal for highlighting flavors in other foods. You can use it as substitute for tomato.

16. Biriba


Due to its remarkably sweet taste, the biriba fruit is also called wild sugar-apple. It’s not easy to stock it in stores, though, because it can’t even be stored for a week.

You can eat it fresh. It has also been used to make Brazilian wine.

17. Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd

Truthfully, most people treat gourds like vegetables, and we even included them on a few of our vegetable lists. From a scientific standpoint, however, they are regarded as fruits, which is why the bitter gourd is making an appearance here.

True to its name, the gourd itself is very bitter. To reduce the bitterness, some people soak it in water prior to eating.

Read Also: Vegetables that Start with A

18. Black Apple

Black Apple

Black apple is great when you need a fruit that can grow fast. Plus, you can eat it completely raw due to its palatable sweet flavor.

19. Black Cherry

Black Cherry

Black cherry fruits were once eaten by Native Americans a long time ago. Nowadays, the wood of the black cherry plant is popularly used as a spice.

The wood is also extremely expensive. You’ve probably seen gorgeous cherrywood furniture or cabinets before.

20. Black Mulberry

Black Mulberry

Another name for black mulberry is blackberry, but it is not the same thing as the blackberries you might be thinking of. Black mulberry is its own unique fruit, commonly found in Europe.

21. Black Raspberry

Black Raspberry

Black raspberry is what you’d get if you made raspberries just a teensy bit rounder. They’re frequently used to make natural dyes, and there are currently studies going on about their potential use as a cancer treatment.

Aside from dyes, you can use them in the same ways you’d use the standard raspberry. Freeze them, blend them into smoothies, or even turn them into a liqueur.

22. Black Sapote

Black Sapote

With a nickname like chocolate pudding fruit, you might go into your first experience with black sapote expecting a specific flavor. You’d be right to expect a sweet and pudding-like taste here, though, because when ripe, this fruit is often compared to the aforementioned dessert due to its flavor and texture.

23. Blackberry


There are numerous types of blackberries available today. In general, they look like raspberries with a dark purple-ish color.

Blackberries are very healthy. Filled with fiber and vitamins, they’re a great option for anyone looking for a way to get their daily nutrients in.

24. Blackcurrant


It’s possible to eat blackcurrant fresh, but most people don’t. Instead, you’ll find this round black fruit in jams, syrups, and sometimes even juices.

25. Blood Lime

Blood Lime

The blood lime was very aptly named. On the outside, it has a beautiful garnet skin. Cut it open and you’ll find a slightly lighter red pulp that almost looks as if it’s made from gemstones.

Despite their attractive coloration, they’re not really commercially grown yet outside of Australia.

26. Blood Orange

Blood Orange

On the outside, a blood orange looks like just about any other orange you’d find in your local grocery store. Slice it open, though, and you’ll see it’s anything but ordinary.

Blood oranges have a deep crimson flesh. You can use them to make an absolutely delicious tart marmalade or use their zest in baking.

27. Blue Tongue

Blue Tongue

Blue tongue is a shrub that grows in some Asian countries and in Australia. You can turn it into a grass jelly or eat the fruits raw.

28. Blueberry


The name for blueberry can be a little deceptive, since these small round berries tend to look more purple than blue. Eat them fresh for a nice portable snack, blend them into a smoothie, or turn them into a juice. They also make great jellies!

29. Bolwarra


Bolwarra comes from Australia. It grows a sweet-tasting fruit that is commonly used as a flavor enhancer in drinks and desserts.

30. Boquila


Boquila is an amazing plant. It grows edible berries, which is why it has a place on this list, but we can’t resist mentioning its powers of mimicry.

This plant can mimic the look of the leaves of its supporting plants. It can do so without making contact with those other plants.

31. Bottle Gourd

Bottle Gourd

The bottle gourd grows in a wide range of shapes and sizes. It can be shaped like the number eight, be large and round, or grow to be long and skinny.

You’ll find this gourd a lot in various types of Asian cuisine.

32. Boysenberry


The boysenberry is actually a hybrid of the European raspberry and blackberry. It resembles both with an elongated raspberry-like shape. Unfortunately, they don’t have a very good shelf life, so you can’t really keep them long after harvesting them.

33. Bramble


A lot of berries come from bramble plants. The word bramble just refers to thorny shrubs that grow blackberries, dewberries, or raspberries.

34. Brazil Nut

Brazil Nut

The brazil nut tree grows fruits, but they’re not commonly eaten. Rather, the fruits are sliced open and the nuts are harvested for commercial use. Quite often, they’re turned into brazil nut oil.

35. Brazilian Guava

Brazilian Guava

It should come as no surprise that the Brazilian guava comes from South America. It has a tart flavor that some say is similar to that of strawberries, but the taste will vary depending on the type of Brazilian guava.

36. Breadfruit


The breadfruit looks nothing like bread. It has a round bright yellow-green skin covered in spines.

The reason it got its name is because, when it’s cooked, the flesh of the breadfruit takes on a texture that’s a lot like bread. Its taste, on the other hand, is more reminiscent of potatoes.

37. Brush Cherry

Brush Cherry

Bright red brush cherries can be found in many Australian gardens. You can eat them as-is or turn them into jelly.

38. Buddha’s Hand

Buddha’s Hand

Buddha’s hand likely gets it name from the fact that it kind of looks like a hand. The bottom is a rounded yellow shape that resembles a palm, while the top is crowned with long protrusions like fingers.

It is sometimes left as an offering in Buddhist temples. You can also eat it in desserts or drink it in some alcoholic drinks.

39. Buffaloberry


Buffaloberry is a North American berry with a vivid red color splattered with small white dots. It is said that bears love to eat these berries before going into hibernation, but people can eat them, too. Their sour taste is perfect for pies and jams.

40. Burdekin Plum

Burdekin Plum

You can find the Burdekin plum in Australia and the Pacific Islands. It has dark purple skin, just like a plum, and you can eat it once it’s ripe.

41. Burmese Grape

Burmese Grape

The Burmese grape grows most commonly in Burma, hence the name. The fruits grow in large clusters, like grapes. Also like grapes, they are popular in making wine.

42. Button Mangosteen


Button mangosteen originally comes from Thailand and Malaysia, but it grows in a variety of places these days. Some people in Florida cultivate it because it’s possible to grow it in a container.

Its flavor is comparable to that of a tangerine.