Can the Nutribullet Make Almond Butter (EXPLAINED)

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Can the Nutribullet Make Almond Butter

Wondering if the Nutribullet can make almond butter?

You’ve come to the right place!

I tested it in the Pro 900 in 3 different ways to find out if you can…

  • Make almond butter with added oil.
  • Make it without oil.
  • Make it with a little bit of water.

Here are the results…

Can the Nutribullet Make Almond Butter?

The short answer is, yes the Nutribullet can make almond butter. 

However there are a few caveats…

If you make it WITHOUT added oil or water, it gets pretty warm. I don’t like doing this because I don’t think it is safe for the blender — it’s not designed to handle heat and may not be safe for you or the blender.

Despite this, it does a pretty good job. Not every almond was 100% liquefied, but it was still pretty spreadable (see video below).

If you make it with oil as per the Nutribullet recipe on their website… here’s what happens…

The way I to make almond butter in the Nutribullet is with a little bit of water. It doesn’t taste the flavor that much and keeps the blender nice and cool while you’re doing it. Using water also doesn’t add a ton of empty calories like oil does.

Making Almond Butter WITHOUT Oil in the Nutribullet

First, let’s talk about making almond butter in the Nutribullet without OIL.

I recently put the Nutribullet to the Test vs. the Nutri Ninja to see if it can make almond butter without any added oil.

See Also: Ninja Blender Comparison Guide

Here’s the video below…

Using roasted almonds, I found that the Nutribullet actually did a pretty good job.

I had to stop blending to move the almonds around a whole lot because the blades would keep pushing them off to the sides.

But after doing this a few times, I eventually got somewhere.

Here’s what it looked like…

nutribullet almond butter final result

Here’s the final result of almond butter in the Nutribullet WITHOUT added oil. It came out pretty good, but I don’t believe it’s good for the blender.

It wasn’t 100% liquefied, but perfectly spreadable.

The blades and inside of the blending cup were hot at the end from the build up of all the friction.  

This isn’t something I’d do again for risk of breaking my Nutribullet — or worse! 

It’s simply not designed to handle hot food or liquids.

So I’d say that the Nutribullet CAN make almond butter without oil, but do it at your own risk!

Making Almond Butter with Added Water

Because I don’t like adding oil to my nut butter, I tried to add water to figure out a way to keep the blender cool and help the almonds blend.

Here’s a video of how I did it…

I thought this worked great.

I still had to adjust the nuts a few times between blending cycles, but I really liked the end result.

Here’s a picture….

nutribullet almond butter added water

This is almond butter after being blended in the Nutribullet with a little bit of water added.

The final result was still flavorful, smooth and creamy.

However, since it has water, it’s better to store it in the fridge than at room temperature.

With added water activity, food is more likely to spoil, but this should stay fresh for quite a while.

The good news is that you can make small batches easily and frequently.