Wondering what the steps are to freezing corn on the cob? In this guide, we’re covering everything you need to know about how to freeze corn on the cob. We’re also throwing in some bonus tips to avoid common stumbling blocks, so stay tuned!
Let’s get to the steps…
Can You Freeze Corn on the Cob?
Quick Answer: Yes, you can absolutely freeze corn on the cob just as easily as you can freeze corn kernels. There are just some simple steps to know for the best results.
For answers to common questions about corn and how to serve it, see What Does Corn Taste Like?
Directions for Freezing Corn on the Cob
Step 1 – Remove the Corn Husks and Silk
The first thing you want to do is husk the corn and remove the silk. The husks are the thick, greenish layers that cover the corn cob, which you can just toss or compost when you’re finished.
Underneath the husks will be the corn silk, those fine hairs that cover the kernels. Try to remove as much of the silk as you can, but a few bits left here and there won’t do any harm. Now you should have a cob with only the kernels showing.
Step 2 – Prep Your Blanching and Ice Water Stations
Grab a large pot and fill it with water. Place it on the stove and set the temperature to bring the water to a full boil for blanching the corn.
While you’re waiting for the water to boil, collect a bowl big enough to fit the corn cobs and some ice. Put the ice in the bowl along with some cold water.
Just make sure that you use enough ice so that it won’t all melt by the time your blanched corn is ready to transfer to the ice bath.
Step 3 – Blanch the Corn Cobs
Once the pot of water has reached a full boil, carefully lower the corn cobs into the water with tongs and leave them to blanch.
How long you leave the corn in the water depends on how big the cobs are. If they’re on the small side, six to eight minutes will do. If they’re larger, aim for nine or ten minutes.
Step 4 – Transfer the Corn to the Ice Bath
When the blanching time is up, carefully transfer the corn cobs with tongs to the bowl filled with ice and cold water.
Leave them in the ice bath until they’re cool, which will take at least a few minutes, or even roughly the same amount of time you blanched them for.
Step 5 – Drain and Dry the Corn
When cooled, take the corn cobs out of the ice bath and place them on some paper towels. You can either let them air dry or pat them dry with another paper towel.
Don’t worry about getting them super dry—you just don’t want them sopping wet for the freezing stage.
Step 6 – Place the Corn in Freezer Bags
Now it’s time to freeze. Grab some freezer bags and place the corn cobs inside. You can bag them individually, or you can put as many as you can comfortably fit into the freezer bags.
Remove as much of the air as you can from the freezer bags and then seal before putting them in the freezer. Done!
Want to learn some cool food prep and grocery shopping tips? Check out our Vegan Grocery List for Beginners.
Bonus Tips
Husking corn is a task that may be time-consuming and labor-intensive when you have a whole pile of corn cobs to get to.
Instead of peeling the husks and silk individually, there’s a fast way to get rid of all of it in one fell swoop, as demonstrated in this video.
Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!