15+ Red Flowers with Five Petals

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Red Flowers with Five Petals

Looking for flowers with exactly 5 petals? We’ve got you covered with the following list. 



Flame azaleas are 5 petaled flowers with hues from orange to red. These flowers originated from Asian highlands and Northern parts of the US but can breed nowadays anywhere with partial to full sunlight. All parts of flame azaleas are poisonous.



Red columbines belong to the buttercup family of flowers. They grow five inner petals and five outer petals. Because of this structure, columbines represent endurance. 



Hellebore may have the looks with its five petals but it comes from a genus of poisonous plants. Hellebores are used as components for insecticides. 



Hibiscus flowers are showy of their big five petals and single outgrowth of stamen. Because hibiscus flowers last only a day or two, they are often linked to messages of youth and beauty. Red hibiscus flowers make potent hair oil. 

Madagascar Periwinkle

Madagascar Periwinkle

This red periwinkle used to be an endemic plant of Madagascar till it was made to breed somewhere else. These flowers symbolize trust and confidence. Despite precautions, these flowers are still used as remedies for cancer, sore throat, and diabetes. 

Peacock Flower

Peacock flower

5-petaled peacock flowers grow in clusters. These flowers are a native to Mexico and the West Indies. People of the Amazon call this “ayoowiri” and use this as a treatment for dysentery and diarrhea.  



Penta shrubs may only grow up to 6 inches but their beauty has been appreciated for a long time as they are given the celestial moniker of “Egyptian stars”. The flowers are used to treat enlarged lymph nodes. 

Persian Buttercup 

Persian Buttercup 

Persian buttercups may come in different forms and colors yet its 5-petaled version is among the most popular. In the Victorian era, giving someone a Persian buttercup is equivalent to confessing one’s feelings. 



Petunia’s five petals look like they have been stuck together but that is its charm. Petunias represent resentment as was the name of a spiteful aunt from the Harry Potter books series. . 

Red Cape Primrose

Red Cape Primrose

Red cape primroses are noticeable for their red polka dotted feature. It is an indoor plant that can bloom for up to 8 months with the proper care. Red cape primroses symbolize unrecognized efforts. 

Red Frangipani

Red Frangipani

Red frangipanis range from pink to crimson in color. They thrive without too much attention because they can live in sandy to well-drained soils and require only minimum water. The oils from this flower can be a powerful aphrodisiac. 

Red Leadwort

Red Leadwort

Red leadwort can make a beautiful foliage. They grow fast and cover a lot of ground. Traditional Asian and African medicine use these as treatments for stomach problems and birth control. 

Red Pansy

Red Pansy

Red pansies instantly strike fancies as they have a rich, matte color and vibrant yellow center. Pansy comes from the French word “pensee” which means for remembrance. 

Royal Poinciana

Royal Poinciana

Unlike the others on this list, Royal Poinciana grows into a full tree. The flowers are beautiful to behold because one can have a full shade of flowers. These are known to have anti-bacterial and anti-diabetic properties.  



Verbenas are a common ornamental plant across homes in the US. Red verbena grow in groups and draw everyone in with their five petals. These flowers symbolize healing and creativity.