Are you wondering if quinoa is a good source of fiber? If so, we have all the answers you need in this article. You will also gain some extra knowledge on the subject for good measure.
- In the first part of the article, we will discuss quinoa as a source of fiber and naturally answer the main question. We will give you the exact amount of fiber in quinoa, as well as the number of calories.
- Secondly, we will be comparing the fiber in quinoa to other similar foods. This way, you can measure it up against other sources of fiber and find the one that suits you best.
- In the last part, we will provide you with the fiber count in quinoa in multiple measurements.
Now, time to read on and get all of this info!
Quick Answer: Is quinoa a good source of fiber? One cup of quinoa has 5 grams of fiber and 222 calories. For every 100 calories of quinoa you eat you will be getting 2.22 grams of fiber.
This makes quinoa a somewhat subpar source of fiber, but far from the worst. Quinoa can be a part of your fiber-rich diet, and it will make an impact, but it won’t be a big one.
You definitely shouldn’t consider quinoa your main source of fiber. Leave that to other foods that contain more of it.
Quinoa can play a supporting role. This means that once you get your fiber from other sources, you can add the fiber from quinoa to the equation to help you reach your goal more easily.
We consider this the ideal way of making quinoa a part of your fiber-rich diet.
Experts say that we should eat around 30 grams of fiber every day. The best way to reach that goal is by combining many different foods.
With quinoa alone, you would need to eat six full cups to reach those 30 grams. This is more than 1,300 calories, which is too much, and we don’t recommend doing it.
Make quinoa a part of your diet, but make sure that you add other foods that contain more fiber to it, and you should achieve the best results.
Now, let’s compare quinoa as a fiber source to other similar foods.
Comparing Fiber In Quinoa To Similar Foods
You now know that a cup of quinoa has 5 grams of fiber and 222 calories. (2.22 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Let’s compare them to other similar foods in this part of the post, to give you some alternatives:
- 1 cup of oatmeal has 4 grams of fiber and 158 calories (2.53 grams of fiber per 100 calories). Oatmeal is quite similar to quinoa when it comes to fiber. It is only a bit better, but the difference is so small it hardly matters.
- A cup of beans has 18.1 grams of fiber and 240.8 calories. (7.5 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Beans are an excellent source of fiber. They contain almost three times as much fiber as quinoa!
- Peas have 7.2 grams of fiber and 124.8 calories per cup. (5.76 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Peas are another great source of fiber, and naturally, they are better than quinoa.
- Black-eyed peas have 11.1 grams of fiber and 198.4 calories per cup. (5.6 grams of fiber per 100 calories) They are also much better than quinoa when it comes to fiber, easily a better choice.
- Kidney beans have 9.7 grams of fiber and 219.5 calories per cup. (4.42 grams of fiber per 100 calories) While not as good as the previously mentioned foods, kidney beans have twice as much fiber as quinoa.
- A cup of lentils has 11.6 grams of fiber and 229.7 calories. (5 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Finally, lentils are also a better fiber source than quinoa, by quite a bit as well.
How Much Fiber Quinoa Contain By Quantity
- 1 cup of quinoa has 5 grams of fiber and 222 calories.
- Quinoa has 7 grams of fiber and 368 calories per 100 grams.
- Quinoa has 2 grams of fiber and 104.3 calories per oz.
Wrap Up
Ultimately, quinoa is a subpar source of fiber. It can be a part of your diet, and you will get a small fiber boost from it, but don’t count on it to suddenly add tons of fiber into your daily menu. Consider quinoa a supporting role in your fiber-rich diet, and try to get the majority of fiber from other foods. The fiber in quinoa can help get closer to your daily goals, but other foods will cover much more ground.

Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!