Are you wondering if white beans are a good source of fiber? In this article, you will get the answer to that question. Not only that, we have more info you might find interesting.
- In the first part, we will give you the fiber count and the number of calories in white beans. Here you will find the answer to the main question, as well as some general info on white beans as a fiber source.
- The second part will provide you with a comparison between white beans and other similar foods based on their fiber content. You will find some alternatives for your diet here, as well as get more context about white beans.
- Finally, the last part will give you the fiber count in white beans in multiple measurements.
That should be it, so start reading!
Quick Answer: Are white beans a good source of fiber? One cup of white beans has 12.6 grams of fiber and 298.7 calories. For every 100 calories of white beans you eat, you will get 6.3 grams of fiber.
This makes white beans a great fiber source! This amount of fiber is basically all you need to create your fiber-rich diet. Despite there being other foods that offer more fiber, you can be satisfied with white beans as this is kind of like a sweet spot.
With 6.3 grams per 100 calories, you should be able to reach the daily recommended fiber dose with no problems. Still, despite white beans covering a large part of your daily fiber, don’t count out other foods.
The best diet is the one that combines multiple fiber sources. This will make it easier for you to reach your goals. White beans can be one of the main sources of fiber for sure. But, once they provide you with their fiber, you will probably still need to get more from other foods.
It is not recommended to try and get all of your daily fiber from a single food. If you tried doing that with white beans, you would need to eat 2.5 cups. This is over 700 calories, which isn’t a small amount.
Basically, despite white beans being a great source of fiber, your goal should be to try and get as much fiber as you can from other foods as well.
Now, let’s see how this excellent fiber source compares to other foods.
Comparing Fiber In White Beans To Similar Foods
We learned that a cup of white beans has 12.6 grams of fiber and 198.7 calories. (6.3 grams of fiber per 100 calories) in this part of the article we will take a look at how they compare to other similar foods, fiber-wise:
- Baked beans have 10.4 grams of fiber and 238.8 calories per cup. (4.6 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Baked beans, while a good fiber source themselves, are worse than white beans.
- Refried beans have 8.8 grams of fiber and 214.2 calories per cup. (4.1 grams of fiber per 100 calories) They are another food that is worse than white beans, despite being a really good fiber source.
- Black-eyed peas have 11.1 grams of fiber and 198.4 calories per cup. (5.6 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Black-eyed peas are really close to white beans, fiber-wise, but white beans are still a bit better.
- Kidney beans have 9.7 grams of fiber and 219.5 calories per cup. (4.42 grams of fiber per 100 calories) They are another type of beans that is worse than white beans as a fiber source. Still good, though.
- A cup of garbanzo beans has 12.5 grams of fiber and 269 calories. (4.6 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Similar to a lot of other types of beans on this list, they are good, but not as good as white beans.
- A cup of green peas has 8.3 grams of fiber and 117.3 calories (7 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Finally, green peas manage to beat white beans and end up being a better fiber source, but not by much.
How Much Fiber White Beans Contain By Quantity
- 1 cup of white beans has 12.6 grams of fiber and 198.7 calories.
- White beans have 4.8 grams of fiber and 114 calories per 100 grams.
- White beans have 1.4 grams of fiber and 32.3 calories per oz.
Wrap Up
There you go, white beans are a great source of fiber. They provide you with 6.3 grams of fiber per 100 calories. This makes them good enough to be the main fiber source in your diet. Still, try not to rely solely on them for your daily fiber and branch out into other foods as well. While white beans can cover the majority of your daily fiber needs, it is best to combine multiple foods into your diet.
Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!