Wondering about pork and beans as a source of fiber? In this post, we will answer all of your fiber-related questions about this dish and help you find out if it should be a part of your diet.
- In the first part, we will give you the scoop on the exact fiber content in pork and beans, as well as the number of calories in the dish.
- Then we will compare the fiber count in pork and beans with other foods.
- In the final part, we will let you know how much fiber do pork and beans have in various measurements.
Well, let’s begin!
Quick Answer: A cup of pork and beans has 11.1 grams of fiber and 265.7 calories. This makes this dish a decent source of fiber, but far from perfect. For every 100 calories you eat, pork and beans will supply you with 4.2 grams of fiber. This is a decent amount, but there are dishes that provide much more for fewer calories.
They are still a good source of fiber, but always make sure to combine them with other foods. This is how you achieve the best fiber-rich diet.
We should eat approximately 30 grams of fiber each day. With pork and beans, you should eat around 3 full cups to reach that amount. Doable, but not recommended. This is around 800 calories worth of food as well, so don’t count on pork and beans as your sole source of fiber.
Next up, let’s compare pork and beans as a fiber source to other foods.
Comparing Fiber In Pork and Beans To Similar Foods
As we said, a cup of pork and beans has 11.1 grams of fiber and 265.7 calories. (4.2 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Let’s take a look at some alternatives:
- A cup of beans has 18.1 grams of fiber and 240.8 calories. Beans themselves are a much better source of fiber than pork and beans. (7.5 grams of fiber per 100 calories)
- Peas have 7.2 grams of fiber and 124.8 calories per cup. They are a bit better than pork and beans as a source of fiber. (5.76 grams of fiber per 100 calories)
- A cup of lentils has 11.6 grams of fiber and 229.7 calories. It is a bit better than pork and beans, but not by much. (5 grams of fiber per 100 calories)
- One cup of quinoa has 5 grams of fiber and 222 calories. It is a far worse source of fiber than pork and beans. (2.22 grams of fiber per 100 calories)
- A cup of oatmeal has 4 grams of fiber and 158 calories. It is also a worse source of fiber than pork and beans. (2.53 grams of fiber per 100 calories)
- White rice has 1.4 grams of fiber and 195 calories per cup. Another dish that is simply not as good as pork and beans when it comes to fiber.(0.72 grams of fiber per 100 calories)
How Much Fiber Pork and Beans Contain By Quantity
- 1 cup of pork and beans has 11.1 grams of fiber and 265.7 calories.
- Pork and beans have 4.4 grams of fiber and 105 calories per 100 grams.
- Pork and beans have 1.2 grams of fiber and 29.8 calories per oz.
Wrap Up
Pork and beans can be a good source of fiber, but they shouldn’t be your main. An occasional cup will provide you with a decent fiber boost for the day, but there are better sources out there. Plus, consuming meat products such as pork regularly has downsides that may not be worth the extra fiber.

Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!