Are Peppers a Good Source Of Fiber? (Explained)

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Are Peppers a Good Source Of Fiber

If you’re wondering if peppers are a good source of fiber, you’ve stumbled upon the article that will answer all of your questions. Adding fiber to your diet is important, and trying different foods is the key to that.

  • In the first part of this post, we will give you the basic info on peppers as a source of fiber, including their exact fiber count and the number of calories.
  • Then we will compare them to other similar foods, based on their fiber content.
  • Finally, we will give you the fiber count in peppers in multiple measurements.

Alright, let’s start!

Quick Answer: Are peppers a good source of fiber? One medium-sized pepper has 2.5 grams of fiber and 31 calories. This means that you’ll get 8 grams of fiber for every 100 calories of peppers you eat.

This is a large amount, making peppers a great source of fiber! You can’t go wrong by adding them to your diet. They are low in calories and offer a nice ratio of fiber to calories.

Peppers could even be good enough to be your main source of fiber, helping you reach your goals much easier. Still, you’d need to eat a lot of them so we’d advise you to combine them with other foods.

Just as an example, we should eat around 30 grams of fiber every single day, according to experts. With peppers, it would take 12 medium-sized ones to get there. While this isn’t a huge amount of calories (only 372), we’d still advise you to add some fiber from other foods.

Now, let’s compare them to similar foods to see if there are better fiber sources among them.

Comparing Fiber In Peppers To Similar Foods

Now you know that a medium-sized pepper has 2.5 grams of fiber and 31 calories (8 grams of fiber per 100 calories), let’s see how they compare to other foods:

  • A cauliflower has 11.8 grams of fiber and only 147 calories. Cauliflower is another great source of fiber and it provides you with the exact same amount as peppers! (8 grams of fiber per 100 calories)
  • A cup of broccoli has 2.4 grams of fiber and 30.9 calories. Broccoli is also extremely similar to peppers when it comes to fiber. (7.8 grams of fiber per 100 calories)
  • A zucchini has 2 grams of fiber for the measly price of 33.3 calories. It is a bit worse than peppers, fiber-wise, but still pretty good! (6 grams of fiber per 100 calories)
  • A medium-sized eggplant has 17.2 grams of fiber and 143 calories. Eggplants are amazing sources of fiber, easily beating out peppers. (12 grams of fiber per 100 calories)
  • A medium-sized artichoke has 6.9 grams of fiber and 60.2 calories. Artichokes are yet another great fiber source that is definitely much better than peppers. (11.5 grams of fiber per 100 calories)
  • A cup of jalapeños has 4.2 grams of fiber and 43.5 calories. It might be hard to believe, but they are actually a better source of fiber than peppers, although only slightly. (9.7 grams of fiber per 100 calories)

How Much Fiber Peppers Contain By Quantity

  • 1 medium-sized pepper has grams of fiber and calories.
  • Peppers have 2.1 grams of fiber and 26 calories per 100 grams.
  • Peppers have 0.6 grams of fiber and 7.4 calories per oz.

Wrap Up

Peppers are a great source of fiber that should make their way into your diet for sure! They offer 8 grams of fiber for every 100 calories you eat, which is something not many foods can do! Of course, there are some better sources out there, and we named a few in this article. By combining all of them into your diet you will reach your fiber goals easily!