Wondering if Nutri Grain Bars are a good source of fiber? We have you covered. Read this article to find out the answer to your burning question and more!
- By reading this article, you will first get the main info – the amount of fiber in Nutri Grain Bars, as well as their calorie count. We will also discuss them as a fiber source.
- In the second part of the article, we will compare Nutri Grain Bars to other similar foods, focusing on the fiber content.
- Finally, we will provide <ou with the fiber count in Nutri Grain Bars in multiple measurements.
Let’s begin!
Quick Answer: Are Nutri Grain Bars a good source of fiber? One Nutri Grain Bar has 1.2 grams of fiber and 134.4 calories. For every 100 calories of Nutri Grain Bars you eat you will get only 0.9 grams of fiber.
This means that Nutri Grain Bars are not a good source of fiber. They simply don’t offer that much fiber per calorie. By eating one Nutri Grain Bar you will barely get any fiber at all, and at the same time eat a decent amount of calories.
To create a better, fiber-rich diet, you should look into other sources of fiber, and combine several of them for the best results.
Nutri Grain Bars can be a supplementary fiber source, one that will help you reach your fiber goal once you’ve gotten most of your daily fiber from your main sources. This means that they are not completely useless as a fiber source, but shouldn’t be your main one.
Just for context, we should be eating around 30 grams of fiber every day. By eating Nutri Grain Bars alone, you would need to eat 25 bars to reach this amount. This equates to 3,360 calories, which is an insanely high amount. Suffice to say, no one should do this.
Now, let’s compare the fiber in Nutri Grain Bars to other similar foods.
Comparing Fiber In Nutri Grain Bars To Similar Foods
Now we know that a Nutri Grain Bar has 1.2 grams of fiber and 134.4 calories. (0.9 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Let’s compare them to similar foods to see which alternatives are out there.
- One granola bar has 1.3 grams of fiber and 135.1 calories (1 gram of fiber per 100 calories) Granola bars are basically the same as Nutri Grain Bars when it comes to fiber, only a tiny bit better.
- Graham Crackers have 2.9 grams of fiber and 370.8 calories per cup. (0.8 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Graham crackers have almost the same amount of fiber as Nutri Grain Bars, but still, a tiny bit less, making them marginally worse.
- One regular Fiber One bar contains 9.1 grams of fiber and 140 calories (6.5 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Since they are designed to be a fiber source, it is natural that Fiber One bars are a much better source of fiber than Nutri Grain Bars.
- One Snickers bar has 1.4 grams of fiber and 278 calories (0.5 grams of fiber per 100 calories) Snickers bars are a much worse source of fiber than Nutri Grain Bars, with half as much fiber.
- One Fig Newton has 0.4 grams of fiber and 55.3 calories (0.7 grams of fiber per 100 calories) They are also worse than Nutri Grain Bars, fiber-wise, although not by much.
- One cake donut has 0.7 grams of fiber and 225.2 calories (0.3 grams of fiber per 100 calories) The worst fiber source on our list, cake donuts have three times less fiber than Nutri Grain Bars.
How Much Fiber Nutri Grain Bars Contain By Quantity
- 1 Nutri Grain Bar has 1.2 grams of fiber and 134.4 calories.
- Nutri Grain Bars have 3.4 grams of fiber and 363.3 calories per 100 grams.
- Nutri Grain Bars have 1 gram of fiber and 103 calories per oz.
Wrap Up
Nutri Grain Bars are not a good source of fiber. They do provide you with some fiber and can be a small part of your diet, but you should look into other foods if you’re looking to increase your fiber intake. Combine multiple fiber-rich foods into your diet and you will achieve the best results. Nutri Grain Bars can be a part of this diet but as a supporting role.

Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!