Are Blueberries a Good Source of Fiber? (EXPLAINED)

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Are Blueberries a Good Source of Fiber

Wondering if blueberries are a good source of fiber? In this post, we’re going to answer the question and give you the fiber content of blueberries in multiple measurements along with the calorie count so you have all of the context you need.

Let’s get started.

Quick Answer: Blueberries are a decent source of fiber, but aren’t as high as some other similar fruits. Blueberries have 3.6g of fiber per 1 cup. 1 cup of blueberries is also only 85 calories so you’re getting a good amount of fiber without a huge caloric punch. 

If you wanted to get over 30 grams of fiber per day, you’d have to eat around 8.3 cups of blueberries which would equate to 708 calories.

If you wanted to get 25 grams of fiber per day, you’d have to eat 6.9 cups of blueberries which would equate to 590 calories.

Comparing Fiber in Blueberries to Similar Foods

Let’s compare blueberry fiber to calorie content to other similar fruits. 

Remember that blueberries have 3.6g of fiber and 85 calories per 1 cup.

  • Raspberries have 8g of fiber and 65 calories per 1 cup. This is almost double the fiber of blueberries for fewer calories. 
  • Blackberries have 8g of fiber and 63 calories per 1 cup. Again, almost double the fiber of blueberries for fewer calories. 
  • Strawberries have 2.9g of fiber and 47 calories per 1 cup. This is similar fiber content to blueberries, but for around half the calories. 
  • Oatmeal has 4g of fiber and 158 calories per 1 cup cooked. This is similar to the fiber content of blueberries per cup but double the calories. 
  • Quinoa has around 5g of fiber and 222 calories per 1 cup cooked. This is similar to the fiber content of blueberries but almost 3 times the calories. 
  • White rice has 1.4g of fiber and 195 calories per 1 cup cooked. This means that blueberries are a far better souce per calorie of fiber and other nutrients.

How Much Fiber Blueberries Contain by Quantity

  • 1 Cup of Blueberries has 3.6 Grams of Fiber and 65 Calories 
  • 100 Grams Blueberries has 2.4 Grams of Fiber and 57 Calories 
  • 50 Blueberries has 1.6 Grams of Fiber and 38.8 Calories (varies by blueberry size) 
  • 1 Oz of Blueberries has 0.7g of fiber and 16.2 Calories

Wrap Up

Blueberries provide a good amount of fiber for not that many calories. However, some of the other berries such as raspberries or blackberries take the cake when it comes to fiber content per calorie. Don’t take this the wrong way, you should still eat blueberries – they are amazing superfoods. But be sure to consider the other berries as well if you’re trying to maximize your fiber intake.