Question of the Day: How many bell peppers per plant?
Quick Answer: On average, a bell pepper plant will yield 5-10 fruits.
Keep in mind that there are many different types of bell peppers, and they come in a range of sizes. As a general rule, smaller varieties will yield more fruits than larger ones.
Growing conditions can also impact the number of bell peppers your plants can support. For the largest possible harvest, make sure your bell pepper plant has nutrient-rich soil that is slightly acidic, gets plenty of sun and water, and remains pest-free.
Will bell pepper plants keep producing more than once?
Yes, bell peppers will produce more than once. Some varieties will bear in a steady stream throughout the growing season, and others will only rebloom once you have removed all the fruits.
In most of the United States, you should be able to harvest your capsicum at least twice. Of course, the climate in your location will significantly impact how many harvests you can expect.
If you allow your first picking to ripen fully in Northern regions, you may only have time to raise green bell peppers for your second harvest. Once the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, almost all types of capsicum will stop bearing.
How many bell pepper plants per person should you plant?
The number of bell pepper plants you will need per person depends on several factors.
- How often do you eat capsicum?
- How much do you consume in a setting?
- Can you freeze or can excess peppers for later use?
- What varieties of bell peppers do you want to grow?
These are all questions that only you can answer?
For an average person who only consumes bell peppers occasionally, 2-5 plants should be sufficient. If you love capsicum, eat it three or more times a week, and want to have enough to freeze or preserve for use during the winter, you will probably want to plant 10-15 plants per person in your household.
Are bell peppers perennial?
Yes, bell peppers are perennials.
Most people grow capsicums as annuals, starting each spring with fresh plants. This is actually wasteful. Bell peppers are perennials that can bear fruits for up to five years when properly cared for. Starting in the spring with adult plants, you will save much of the growing time needed for them to start bearing fruit.
The one issue is that you will need to move them indoors in most of the country during the winter months. If they receive frost or are allowed to freeze, they will not come back.
Overwintering your capsicum plants is simple, provided you have a location where the temperature will not drop below 50 degrees.
- Bring them indoors before the first frost
- Be sure your bell pepper plants are pest and fruit-free.
- Reduce watering to once every 3-4 weeks.
- After the leaves have withered, prune limbs back to within three inches of the trunk.
When spring comes and the danger of frost has passed, bring your bell pepper plants back out into the sun and resume water normally. Soon you will see the limbs beginning to grow and fresh leaves sprouting.
Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!