Are Bell Peppers Acidic or Alkaline (EXPLAINED)

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Are Bell Peppers Acidic or Alkaline

Are you wondering if bell peppers are acidic or alkaline? Keep reading.

In this piece, we will answer this question, discuss the pH levels of bell peppers, whether color affects their acidity, and how capsicum affects acid reflux.

Are Bell Peppers Acidic or Alkaline?

stuffed sweet peppers

Bell peppers are alkaline. Regardless of their color, they can contain 211 mg potassium per 100g serving and are rich in alkaloids (capsaicin), fatty acids, flavonoids, volatile oils, and carotene pigments.

Capsicum can help your body remain in an alkaloid state, promoting general health and helping to fight some neurological disorders.

The pH of Bell Peppers

Bell pepper has a pH range that runs from 4.65-5.45, meaning their low in acid. This makes them ideal for people with stomach problems, GERD issues, or who wish to maintain their bodies in an alkaline state.  

Are Different Color Bell Peppers Less Acidic?

stuffed green bell peppers

No, different colored bell peppers are not less acidic. While much changes in capsicum as they mature, including becoming sweeter and more nutritious, their pH range remains the same.

The lack of change is likely due to potassium and alkaloid levels being reasonably constant. The alkaloids in bell peppers do change forms as they ripen, but the volume remains near the same.

Do peppers trigger acid reflux?

stuffed green and red bell pepper

No bell peppers do not trigger acid reflux. In fact, doctors recommend sweet peppers for patients with GERD. The high potassium and alkaloid content found in capsicum can help balance your body’s alkalinity and offset other foods that might contribute to reflux.

Medical professionals suggest that you eat 3-4 servings of bell peppers per week to help control reflux symptoms.