Many recipes call for a bunch or two of basil, but how much is that really?
This article will cover the basics of basil weight and volume in a simple and easy-to-understand way.
Are you curious how much a bunch of basil weighs? How many sprigs are used to create a bunch? How much does a single basil leaf weigh? Or how to measure basil?
You’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn more.
How Much Does a Bunch of Basil Weigh?
Not everyone has a kitchen scale at their disposable, which is okay but can make cooking a little difficult at times. If you picked your basil fresh from the garden, purchased it from a farmer’s market, or bought it loose from the grocery store, then the basil has likely not been weighed for you.
Don’t worry; you can still get a pretty close estimate of basil weight without a scale.
To do so, either count sprigs of basil in the bunch or use a measuring cup for your estimate. We’ll show you how below.
The average bunch of basil weighs about 2.5 ounces. If you only want one ounce of basil, split your bunch into five equal piles and only use one bundle of basil sprigs. Conversely, you can count out 24 sprigs of basil to make one ounce.
This means that it takes approximately six and a half bunches of basil to create one pound.
If you’re curious what people used to do before scales, it’s this (as in, everything we’re showing you in this article). The previous generations counted out sprigs of herbs, used educated guesses, and ‘eyeballed’ bunches of herbs and vegetables for their recipes. It is common in older cookbooks and family recipes to see “a handful of x” or a “dash of y” or a “pinch of z.” While these measurements can be frustrating for new or inexperienced cooks, they are quick and relatively efficient once you have a good grasp of recipes and know what the result should loosely look and taste like.
How Many Sprigs of Basil Make A Bunch?
A basil sprig is the cluster of leaves at the top of the stem. Usually, there are three or four leaves on a sprig.
A bunch or bundle of basil is a grouping that is commonly used by grocers, farmers, cooks, and gardeners. This is not precisely accurate, but it is a way to loosely estimate the given basil’s total volume.
One bunch of basil is comprised of approximately sixty sprigs.
If you want to group an ounce of basil, you’ll need 24 sprigs.
Two ounces of basil is 48 sprigs.
Three ounces of basil is 72 sprigs.
Four ounces of basil is 96 sprigs.
Five ounces of basil is 120 sprigs.
Six ounces of basil is 144 sprigs.
Seven ounces of basil is 168 sprigs.
Eight ounces of basil is 192 sprigs.
Nine ounces of basil is 216 springs.
Ten ounces of basil is 240 sprigs.
Eleven ounces of basil is 264 sprigs.
Twelve ounces of basil is 288 sprigs.
Thirteen ounces of basil is 312 sprigs.
Fourteen ounces of basil is 336 sprigs.
Fifteen ounces of basil is 360 sprigs.
And finally, if you would like to gather a pound of basil, that is around 384 sprigs.
About How Many Cups of Basil Makes a Bunch?
A bunch of basil is equal to one cup of packed basil leaves.
Two cups of loose basil leaves make a bunch.
A bunch is also equal to one cup of chopped basil leaves.
If you’re curious, there are three-quarters of a teaspoon of basil per sprig.
How Much Does a Basil Leaf Weigh?
One average-sized basil leaf weighs 0.5 grams, equal to 0.01 ounces.
Because a sprig usually consists of three or four leaves, it is safe to assume that the leaves from one sprig weigh approximately 1.5 to 2 grams or 0.053 to 0.07 ounces.
If you include the stem of the sprig, it will weigh ever so slightly more.
How Do You Measure Fresh Basil?
The best way to measure basil is to remove all of the leaves from the stems and then lightly pack the whole leaves into a dry measuring cup.
Pay attention to your recipes, though, because some will specify whether the leaves are whole, cut, or finely chopped. They may also specify how tightly the leaves should be packed into the dry measuring cup.
Remember that whole, lightly packed basil leaves are significantly less dense than finely chopped basil leaves that have been tightly packed.
Hey, I’m Joey. I’ve been cooking since I was a little kid and love everything about it. You can find my writing about food, kitchen appliances (such as blenders) and much more. Thanks for stopping by!